Example sentences of "[verb] they would come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If they did , then she believed they would come through all this and be reasonably all right .
2 The last straw for the soldiers was not so much their own suffering as the perception that the home and hearth which , ostensibly , they were fighting to defend , was itself under threat : ‘ You would think they would come to some terms when they see the country in that state . ’
3 Best reckons there wo n't be much between the sides at Murrayfield , having been impressed by the Welsh commitment against his own team — ‘ We knew they would come at us , and they certainly did , though we should still have won ’ — while he has taken a liking to the revamped Scottish pack .
4 They said they would come at the weekend .
5 The authorities took no chances , doubling the number of police on duty , closing schools along the march route and diverting the farmers away from both the European parliament and US consulate fearing they would come under attack .
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