Example sentences of "[verb] from [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain the populist , anti-intellectual pressure has come from government instead of from the people .
2 Henry 's brother George suffered from croup later in the year .
3 Acting on this belief , he has : taken one of the most outspoken current-affairs programmes , ‘ Vzglyad ’ ( Outlook ) , off the air ; confiscated the property of the independent news agency Interfax , which was saved from closure only by the intervention of Boris Yeltsin and the Moscow city council ; suspended a free-thinking television news show called ‘ TSN ’ ; and consigned Radio Russia , Mr Yeltsin 's mouthpiece , to a frequency where most of the population can not hear it begin its broadcasts with phrases like ‘ In another move reminiscent of Stalinism , President Gorbachev today … ’
4 Along the length of the coast the story was now everywhere the same : Allied troops hanging on to vulnerable footholds , saved from annihilation only by their dogged courage .
5 Under rules which came into effect last autumn , as his sentence was less than four years , he will be freed from jail automatically after serving half the term , unless he reoffends .
6 All this , but with examples drawn from chess instead of from whist and bridge , is what Wittgenstein has in mind when he says that the term ‘ language-game ’ is meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity .
7 It 's one of the busiest nightspots in the Mediterranean and the streets are simply crowded from dusk onwards with young people going about the serious business of enjoying themselves , socialising , trying the local brew , ‘ discovating ’ and generally having a good time until the early hours of the morning !
8 A police spokesman said the person police want to hear from drove past in a large , light-coloured estate car after pulling out of Bagshaw Road , opposite the bank machine .
9 In 1774–80 for every British seaman who lost his life in battle , fifteen died of disease , while in 1779 Britain was preserved from invasion partly by the scurvy which swept the French and Spanish squadrons then for a time in control of the Channel .
10 With such equipment , staff could work from home instead of commuting to offices .
11 FERRANTI 'S shares encountered hectic trading when they returned from suspension yesterday as a host of conflicting rumours swept the stock market over the company 's future .
12 SCREAMING relatives were dragged from court yesterday after a joyrider who killed two children was attacked in the dock .
13 The research will concentrate on the possibility of systematizing and standardising a procedure that seems to emerge from experience hitherto with econometric models .
14 Hidden from view upstairs in the house is the room where Lawrence of Arabia used to stay , with its photos , books and , now silently put away in a box , Shaw 's dentures .
15 In navigating the corner he had walked from shade straight into the blinding-white glare of the sun and , as her gallop had ceased , so the man also stopped dead , apparently dazzled despite the protection of a pair of sepia-tinted gold-rimmed glasses .
16 Another pleasing choice was Alnus Cordata which is one of medium to large size and has heart-shaped leaves which always seem to be freshly polished and gleaming , accompanied from summer onwards by cone-shaped fruiting heads .
17 Too often , friends and colleagues react to the information that someone is suffering from depression either by agreeing that they often feel a bit down themselves but manage to cope , or else by treating the person as if he or she were suffering from mental disease .
18 The DUAC disappeared from view shortly after this , although it was revived in November 1968 in the wake of the 5 October demonstration .
19 ‘ It must be stressed , however , ’ we noted , ‘ that the book has an optimistic tone , asserting that there is still much to be gained from life even in the quickening twilight years . ’
20 I flipped from fury straight into hilarity and collapsed on the ground beside him , rolling around in helpless laughter too .
21 Material , otherwise privileged , would be excluded from protection only in what , it is to be hoped , is the very rare case of the crooked solicitor who holds the material intending to use it for the furtherance of a personal criminal purpose .
22 She tells Karen that Victor is being excluded from school indefinitely for bullying and for kicking Joan .
23 can be obtained from thebaine only by a series of elaborate and inefficient chemical processes .
24 Many lived in squalor and poverty , went short of food when times were hard and were kept from starvation only by the meagre income they gained from non-farming pursuits , whether sidework or the labour of family members working further afield on a temporary or permanent basis .
25 Laser printer toner cartridges can be ordered from Stationery only by the persons responsible for each machine .
26 She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped .
27 The Queen Mother , who was released from hospital yesterday after a three-night stay for an operation to remove a piece of fish lodged in her throat , is president of the association .
28 Roy Lacey returns from holiday just in time to foil the advance of an army of weeds on his hour-a-week garden larder .
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