Example sentences of "[verb] from [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Within minutes of disembarking from the boats and starting the search we all found to our disappointment that the good weather still had n't dried out the long grass of the islands , and we were all soon soaking .
2 Almost concurrently came the report of Geoffrey Boycott having his golf clubs lifted from a train and chasing after the thief as though in pursuit of one of his own runs .
3 The other classic Ce Ce Rogers anthem lifted from the vaults and dusted down for rerelease .
4 St Agatha was lifted from the sofa and stationed at the window in a bridal veil , to the electrification of passers-by .
5 The RNLI 's new dock and boat hoist came into use at the Poole depot in early June , enabling lifeboats to be lifted from the water and positioned anywhere in the yard for storage or inspection and work on underwater areas .
6 With the workman 's help she was lifted from the boat and taken into the palazzo .
7 I mean it was just lifted from the scripture and and put into a prayer or whatever .
8 Holly saw him , heard his shrieking wail as a shoulder lifted from the bench and caught square on the underneath of Byrkin 's enamel soup bowl .
9 Her body was lifted from the coffin and carried through the dusk across the open fields that then came up to the hospital , to Ferry Beach .
10 She watched the ruins take Tallis , the walls and the stones becoming trees again , responding to a glow of green that radiated from the woman as she sat within her nest of rags .
11 HEADLINE from the Reigate and Banstead Independent : ‘ Police hunt handbag snatcher in stolen car . ’
12 A number of recommendations are under consideration , but further information is awaited from the CAA before they are finalised .
13 A BUXOM woman stunned pensioner Jack Cookson — by leaping from a car and flashing her boobs .
14 Silas gritted , leaping from the bed and straightening his shirt by tucking it into his trousers .
15 For those who grow their own tomatoes or can buy from the market when the fruit is cheap , here it is :
16 The calls had come from a call-box because there 'd been the call-box signal before the money was put in .
17 His shiny black coat could have come from a labrador and there was a suggestion of terrier in the pointed nose and priced ears , but the long string-like tail and the knock-kneed fore limbs baffled me .
18 It may be genuine , but is likely to have come from a bifolium or double sheet .
19 His strong , even teeth glinted white against the bronze of his skin , and with a peculiar detachment Shannon found herself wondering if the tan had come from a sun-bed or even a bottle .
20 Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design .
21 I made the choice at random , the sole criterion being that a book had to have come from a library and have a recognisable sign of its origin .
22 She was cruelly obsessed with class and if her children had not come from a background that she knew to be reliable she would certainly have ignored them as she ignored the au-pair girls .
23 This is especially important if the mice have come from a source that is not usually used and if the health status of the colony of origin is unknown .
24 Mind you , a lot of them had come from the army and from the navy — but I do n't think that makes man 's nature alter to that effect .
25 Someone had come from the school and seen Emma , who had laughed them to scorn .
26 The German Foreign Ministry called for a fairer distribution of the burden of aid to the CIS , citing figures produced by the European Commission which showed that about 75 per cent of all aid to the Soviet Union since September 1990 had come from the EC and 57 per cent from Germany alone ( the figure included humanitarian aid , credits and special payments for troop withdrawal made by Germany ) .
27 Wind also has a profound effect on plant growth in the Western Isles in that is usually salt-laden , particularly when it has come from the west or south-west , having passed over long distances of wave-tom ocean .
28 The sound had come from the kitchen and Charlotte led the way through to where Frank Griffith sat smoking over the remains of a bread and cheese lunch .
29 make sure it is a genuine it , the , the , he 's come from the company and he 's not doing it privately or something
30 Pictures that could only have come from the Americans or the British , ’ Kragan answered warily .
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