Example sentences of "[verb] but [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The flaw in this disposition was that the advancing Germans were not only more numerous than the Allies had supposed but they were also moving in a more extended arc than had been expected .
2 My feet slip but I 'm here , ready to jump .
3 Could n't see why Speed was substituted but he was n't playing well ( see previous matches ) ; the West ham ground is looking quite impressive with the building of the new Bobby Moore stand ; and Beaney should have been booked for time-wasting ( blatant ) but the ref let him off .
4 The race itself was very well organised but I was absolutely amazed at the way in which the winning women were treated in comparison to the winning men during the prize giving ceremony later on .
5 W.H. Chaloner writes that during eight years between '58 & '67 a total of 904 tons of ore were made ready for smelting ; Sir Michael le Fleming , the new Lord , receiving dues amounting to £376 : 15s. : 0d. it is not known where the main ore dressing floor was located but it was probably on the site of the 19th century floors — near the present youth hostel .
6 Recent cases have explored the extension of industrial building relief to some categories of buildings that have never been occupied but which were clearly capable of industrial use .
7 Parts are still at this time being occupied but it is almost certain before long that the whole of the building will be condemned and we hope that this old building will be preserved and not allowed to fall into decay .
8 And they 'll check that out for you and we 'll see what 's happening but it 's just in case there 's any arthritis or anything like that that 's
9 Team sizes can be varied but they are always made up of an odd number of competitors .
10 The scale of the work varied but they were generally scenes from nature , the type of thing popularly believed to be the easiest to sell but not necessarily the easiest to paint .
11 Oh I shall never regret Er I do n't know but I 'm just perhaps one on me own , but er it could n't have been better for because I was a freelance and er I wanted to learn and wanted to get on and they allowed me , they allowed me to do what I wanted .
12 I do n't know but he 's too yo
13 Well I do n't know but it 's still going .
14 Sue might know but she 's not telling us .
15 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
16 Charges have now been dropped but there is still some doubt as to whether Mme Huyghe will be reinstated .
17 Well it certainly has but there 's still kind of elements of
18 No I 'll tell you why it 's not the fact that they they fit but they 're too narrow if
19 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
20 If , if you look in your books page one seven seven , you 'll see a beautifully illustrated instruction on how to do it , which you can refer to yourself this evening or later on in the course if you forget but I 'm now gon na show you how to do one as well , you , if you want to know it 's there for you to look up you take the bandage and fold it into your narrow fold band and put it round your leg , you 've got something to tie a reef knot round , okay ? if you know how to do a reef knot already fine , just do it , if you do n't , follow instructions .
21 It is that the directors ' accountability should be to those who do not direct but who are nevertheless committed to the company .
22 Van Der Meulen realised that change had to come but he was surely saddened by the way it happened .
23 With four more rounds to go King can not be caught but he was still disappointed when he spoke afterwards about a race during which victory was snatched from his grasp only a few miles from the finish .
24 And , if the situation with regard to individual psychological development and the evolution of culture is as I have represented it , then this is merely the first of many profound insights into the psychology of the ego — and perhaps most especially the superego — which can be expected but which were totally unobtainable as long as the individualistic fallacy blocked the way .
25 ‘ I tried but he 's not in .
26 Jack tried but it was quite impossible ; the button , like the steering wheel , was red hot .
27 Never went out till Friday because it was , they went walking but it was so windy cos they 're here and the garden 's sort of down to a field and then it 's all fields and fields and fields and the wind just comes across like gales all the time .
28 Not Tristan though , who might like to flirt a little and might not run too fast should he be himself pursued but who was certainly no beast of prey .
29 Just a hint of distortion is easy to obtain but there 's still plenty of sustain — a situation which is possible but more difficult to achieve with SansAmp .
30 Syrup of ipecac is sometimes recommended but there is currently some medical disagreement about its use .
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