Example sentences of "[verb] up for [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We roped up for one awkward pitch before reaching the summit , which was now cloaked in thick mist , the weather deteriorating rapidly .
2 MARKETS in the Far East and Middle East are opening up for hi-tech heat-beating textile produced by Performance Fabrics .
3 These rabbits were probably fattened up for some special occasion .
4 Lincoln , in turn , came across the mystery in de Sede 's book Le Tresor Maudit ( The Cursed Treasure ) , which he had picked up for some light holiday reading .
5 The week begun with Dalglish dominating Merseyside once again in the build up for this special occasion .
6 However , since we are keyed up for decisive physical action this is still the best way of working it off .
7 In short , therefore , by 1939 pressure had built up for certain strategic solutions to the problems of London and the big cities .
8 Emotional maturation is arrested during the active phase of addictive disease and therefore the counsellor who is in recovery will need to have made up for this lost time for emotional development .
9 Follow-up questions , particularly into critical areas , were drawn up for intensive two-day visits .
10 Similar schemes have been drawn up for several mammalian groups , certain butterfly genera , various reptiles and amphibians while a good deal of work has been carried out on the distributions of the avifauna .
11 And Labour has friends in the advertising industry who will try to spot advertising space being bought up for fake corporate campaigns by pro-Tory companies for May or June .
12 and the clouds save up for some rainy day .
13 " You ca n't live with them and you ca n't live without them " may sum up for many public relations people their relationship with the media .
14 I urge those on both Front Benches to reflect on how they can make up for that democratic lack .
15 Erm and it , it was us , I mean not only do we , I mean we develop her a a response , that means , we , we work with Councillor 's we work with Senior Officer 's in other departments and we look at the policy angles , like for example with , with that piece of legislation , when , when we first realised what the impact for that legislation was , it was gon na mean that we were ten million pound short in our housing money basically , that was , that was what it looked like on the surface and you think oh my god how you gon na make up for that short fall , that would mean an eleven pound a week rise in rent , that 's what it worked out as , so , well we ca n't do that , how , and then you have to look at the legislation and you say what are the loop holes here , and erm , and it involves contacting outside organisations and getting there opinion and finding out what other Council 's are doing and responding to things like this , and we did come up with a way , of , of reducing that deficit , but that 's the kind of thing we do .
16 Maybe I thought we could make up for all those afternoons .
17 Owners should make up for any lost socialising time with large dogs because , while lack of socialisation can mean problems for any dog , the big boys are that much more of a handful in later life .
18 Without pilots gaining experience at the lowest level , we will be shaping up for another chronic pilots shortage in a few years ' time .
19 But Pietro made up for all that and for everything else , or so I thought .
20 But Hackney made up for those heart-stopping moments with 100 per cent willingness to try anything and his 200 per cent determination for the team cause .
21 PIETER Huistra , left out of Rangers ' two past cup final occasions , made up for those past disappointments last night by hitting the crucial equaliser against Bruges in the European Cup .
22 St Albans held on for the rest of the match to win 2–1 and take the ladies ' title for the second time and make up for four previous final defeats by Mutineers .
23 I mean they all ought to be geared up for all this for Christ 's sake .
24 A problem arises with sample offers if you are not geared up for individual direct mail dispatch .
25 Yet by embarking on these difficult waters we are confronting what religion really is , not a safe cardboard version of it neatly packaged up for general retail .
26 McKoy , the home town favourite , had already been called up for one false start — and it seemed certain that he would be disqualified after appearing to have another flyer second time around .
27 McKoy , the home town favourite , had already been called up for one false start — and it seemed certain that he would be disqualified after appearing to have another flyer second time around .
28 McKoy , the hometown favourite , had already been called up for one false start — and it seemed certain that he would be disqualified after appearing to have another flyer second time around .
29 Well I 'm staying up for one more game
30 Roll up , roll up for another blood-soaked slaughterfest , brought to you by ZZAP ! 's very own master of disaster … take it away , Bash The Barbarian !
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