Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To return to the example , the non-distressed parent may choose to make explicit to the friend her own thinking , such as ‘ well , the children do usually obey us and every parent gets wound up from time to time with their child ’ .
2 I know now I 'd never have caught up in time in my old car .
3 Until some genius does so , controversies like the one which surrounded this year 's Mildmay Course at Aintree , are bound to crop up from time to time .
4 They ought to have been eliminated by now , or is there a mutation that continues to crop up from time to time ?
5 The complex adaptation of the organism to its physical and organic environment was built up over time through the constant application of pressures that are never stable .
6 Such errors show up from time to time as inconsistencies in the records , but much worse are those that go undetected , and which could lead to the wrong conclusions being drawn when the records are analysed .
7 The Queen , Queen Mother and Princes William , 10 , and Harry , eight , also turned up in time for lunch in the royal shooting lodge .
8 Other sorts of dates do , however , crop up from time to time , namely the regnal year of a particular ruler , such as one of the Ptolemaic kings of Egypt .
9 However , business lunches may crop up from time to time — and also evening invitations which involve dining at restaurants .
10 Entering it he could imagine her sitting there in the summer days and evenings , working on the papers which she occasionally contributed to ornithological journals and looking up from time to time to gaze out over the headland to the sea and the far horizon , could see again that carved , weather-browned Aztec face with its hooded eyes under the grey-black hair , drawn back into a bun , could hear again a voice which , for him , had been one of the most beautiful female voices he had ever heard .
11 Your two crystals grow visibly : they break up from time to time and the pieces also grow .
12 Are building programmes for the next financial year drawn up in time to be available to managers before holidays are allocated ?
13 Hitachi Ltd has put a tiger team from its Network Products Group in Silicon Valley on developing local network-based multisystem electronic mail products , hoping to have them all gussied up in time for a third-quarter roll-out : Hitachi reckons that it 's on to a good thing because veca : International Data Corp predicts the worldwide market will be 77m users in 1996 ; Hitachi is expected to make a point of integration , management and directory synchronisation likely using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol .
14 Hitachi Ltd has put a tiger team from its Network Products Group in Silicon Valley on developing LAN-based multiplatform e-mail products hoping to have them all gussied up in time for a third-quarter rollout .
15 I just pop up from time to time to see if Bob 's all right . ’
16 A mutiny against the rowing establishment last summer by oarsmen being coached by him was patched up in time for the world championships in Yugoslavia , but at the end of the championships Spracklen declared that he had no future in British rowing .
17 Finally , he makes considerable use of ‘ natural experiments ’ , the sociological , or in this case literary , device , of studying those natural contrasts which crop up from time to time .
18 It is never a good idea to sit for long periods but , if this is essential , get up from time to time in order to move the body .
19 So they need fresh enemies ordered up from time to time just to keep their chins jutting .
20 A little later , at 7 p.m. , the whole scene was lit up from time to time by electrical discharges , and at one time the cloud above the mountain presented ‘ the appearance of an immense pine tree , with the stem and branches formed with volcanic lightning ’ .
21 Mr Heseltine has been forced to pull out of a Birmingham conference on global technology today as a contingency to allow the final details to be tied up in time for presentation to the Cabinet .
22 Your crystal grows visibly : it breaks up from time to time and the pieces also grow …
23 UN information sources reported in November that a new Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab region and Europe ( CEDARE ) , proposed by UNDP 's regional Bureau for Arab States and Europe , was expected to be set up in time for the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development .
24 Nowadays it is thought that not much new water is generated by volcanoes or by hot springs and vapours , which speeded up in time through land-ocean changes and continental drift ; the vast majority of this is today believed to be recycled hydrospheric water .
25 There are many other more common causes of aortic incompetence , including rheumatic fever , but cases of syphilitic aortic-valve disease still turn up from time to time in this country , albeit rarely .
26 They turn up from time to time . ’
27 This cleared up in time for him to jump in Zurich , however , and then he returned to Whitaker 's Yorkshire stable for his final preparation before the long flight from Frankfurt to California today .
28 For a period , he worked in the Manchester factory from 3am until 5pm , going to bed at 7pm so he could get up in time for the next day 's duty .
29 I get chatted up from time to time , though if you have a small child — ’ she glanced through the mirror at Thomas ‘ — not too many men want to become involved .
30 This sally produced a blustering but largely inarticulate monologue from which the words ‘ MP ’ , ‘ head of Scotland Yard ’ , ‘ no respect ’ , ‘ outrageous ’ , ‘ appalling ’ , ‘ risked my life in the service of my king ’ and ‘ do n't know what the world 's coming to ’ , cropped up from time to time .
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