Example sentences of "[verb] who [vb past] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She was called upon , day after day , to sustain Mrs Browning in her awful anxiety and she did it willingly , dragging out from the furthermost corners of her memory evidence of Miss Henrietta s strength and fortitude together with examples of women of whom she had heard who had survived this disease .
2 Please God , she 'd never discover who had done this to her .
3 You know who 's responsible for this , just as you knew who 'd sent those men , and wrecked your car last night .
4 No one ever knew who had fed this line to Kim .
5 And it was as he turned from her , that jewel box in his hand , that he suddenly knew who had taken those jewels , and his anger carried him away from Charity 's pain and her need .
6 Petion looked astounded in a repulsed sort of way ; Privately , he wondered who had carved these things , and hoped it had not been some ancestor of his .
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