Example sentences of "[verb] as [conj] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The ground of the park rippled as if disturbed by colossal , underground moles .
2 However , in practice it appears that the court has a discretion to allow the case to continue as if begun under Ord. 53 provided this will not unfairly deprive the respondent of some protection which would have been enjoyed if the case had been begun under Ord. 53 .
3 Mucous membranes swollen as if filled with water even .
4 The people of Forth Worth clapped as if seized with divine ecstasy
5 Any unallocated payments are held in a suspense account , but once an appropriate charge is identified , the amount is treated as if allocated on the original date of the overpayment .
6 The jaws appear as if recessed within the mouth .
7 According to David Hume , Locke was not alone in thinking that visual perception involves something two-dimensional : ‘ It is commonly allowed by philosophers that all bodies which discover themselves to the eye appear as if painted on a plain surface . ’
8 Their silks and skin dissolved as if gobbled by a cloud of ravenous moths .
9 The skylight in the ceiling looked as if covered by a dark purple cloth .
10 Angled away from the path of the hurricane , the concrete tube had become a giant organ pipe across the mouth of which the hurricane moaned and howled as if driven into enraged dementia by their evasion of its savagery .
11 Benjamin knelt as if carved from stone .
12 The rest of the group hardly moved as if absorbed in everything the coroner said or did .
13 It is written as if written by Pip himself reliving the majority of his life .
14 Every muscle in his body had ached as if stretched to its limit , but it had not made a scrap of difference to his height .
15 She nearly ran up again when the milling throngs of people in the hallway below turned as if drilled by some invisible sergeant and stared at her .
16 They danced as if hurled by some titanic juggler from below the edge of the world .
17 Tweeds so bright they look as if spun from neon sugar are cut into carefree little suits , and matched with bold , extravagantly coloured prints .
18 She sighed as if relieved of a huge weight and leaned against his chest , waiting for his arms to go round her , her heart singing as his heart thudded fast beside her cheek .
19 Some glitter like silver lace , others shine as if embroidered with gold .
20 However the gem is surely the Third Ballade with the opening pages played as if improvised on the spot , the figuration commencing at 3′34″ foaming and cascading with a freedom and liberality unknown to most players .
21 A quick peep at Silas showed that he scowled as if displeased about something .
22 Then he stiffened as if sandbagged by a sudden recollection , gave a small yelp of terror and dashed into the gloom .
23 Twist our arms and we 'll plump for his brilliantly-executed diatribe against the somewhat larger rock acts currently doing the rounds : ‘ Gim me something small and poisonous , with teeth , born out of the gutter , ’ oozed The Ig , eyes bulging as if strapped to the electric chair .
24 Christina found she was still staring as if mesmerized at Stein 's confident smile .
25 To create the second scene the sun and row of daisies are knitted as if reflected in water .
26 Nicholas felt as if turned to stone .
27 ( a beating ) Though my whole inside felt as if clutched in an icy grip , I had gone too far to retreat .
28 My jaw hurt , my teeth were locked in an instinctive bite , and when released they chattered as if propelled by clockwork .
29 She lay as if drugged by love , problems such as these far from her conscious mind .
30 At the coastal town of Easky , two life-sized statues of cloth-capped old men appeared as if turned from flesh to blue-grey stone on the spot , one wheeling a bike , the other resting on a seat .
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