Example sentences of "[verb] what she [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 To the cost to Britain of membership of the EEC on her trade account must be added what she pays for the Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) .
2 Er i she was in the Cheltenh Do you know what she does for a living ?
3 Do you know what she did for a living ?
4 Continued to go about opening cupboards , fetching what she needed for making pastry .
5 Otherwise how could the customer know she had got what she paid for ?
6 And I know what she paid for that too . "
7 Not until her mid-thirties did she find her taste change , and even then by chance , as good manners constrained her to eat what she had for so many years quite strenuously resisted .
8 she 's obviously , you know , when you think what she does for you , marvellous !
9 Just think what she did for my midget . "
10 I wonder what she wore for the theatre date with David ?
11 Maybe he thought men , making up roughly half the population , would reckon that the poor , wretched girl , labelled so cruelly ‘ The Big ‘ Un ’ , got what she asked for , exactly what she deserved , when 13 soldiers indecently assaulted her .
12 At the front of Laura 's mind constantly was the realization that these shops bore her name and everything in them must therefore reflect what she stood for .
13 The undeniable need to establish a personality clear of the shadow of Mrs Thatcher was confounded with the mistaken urge to repudiate what she stood for .
14 He considered her good but unremarkable clothes , and wondered what she did for laughs .
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