Example sentences of "[verb] what he [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 A riot of other emotions raged through Fabia then , eventually ousted by shock that he could do what he 'd done , say what he 'd said and then — calmly leave !
2 By the time he let her catch him , Claire had forgotten what he 'd said , and he had temporarily forgotten why he said it .
3 I get the impression that Mr Ataie has decided what he wants to say and then created characters to fit his theme .
4 He tried to choose his words carefully , but there was no tactful way to phrase what he wanted to say .
5 Robyn screwed up her brow and tried to remember what he had said his other name was .
6 I think whilst the Secretary of State has clearly said what he 's said in that decision letter .
7 But something about him makes me feel that this time he will do what he has said .
8 She would see what he had to say as personal criticism and that was something which in his experience few women could take .
9 Let's see what he has to say for himself .
10 Lucien could n't remember what he 'd said to the prophet .
11 Jostling , raspberrying and treading on each other 's toes , they crowded round their officer to hear what he had to say .
12 When he returned the people gathered round him to hear what he had to say .
13 She almost turned to hear what he had to say then , almost .
14 Hoping he had decided to make a clean sweep and tell Marc everything , Sarella waited to hear what he had to say .
15 She did n't want to hear what he had to say , did n't want to test a resistance that was already weakened .
16 Erm because he would like to make a comment on the exceptions policy , he has n't been invited to participate tomorrow , er I have exercised some latitude and said yes I will be happy to hear what he has to say , erm there is a prescribed time limit of which he is aware .
17 erm , well I think probably better , better for everybody to , to hear what he has to say
18 He advanced on her , pleading she should believe what he had to say .
19 Dr Tariq had rehearsed what he wished to say .
20 She wanted to scream and shout , to deny what he had said , but she knew it was no use .
21 He adapted what he had to say according to those he was concerned with and their situation .
22 And Len had witnessed his reaction and this had prompted Len to do what he had said he would n't do again , and that was to try and persuade him to accompany him home .
23 He was the Financial Secretary to the Treasury when Lord Barnett was Chief Secretary , and we know what he had to say .
24 ‘ Shelley — ’ Miguel was turning to the patient , and Shelley did n't hear what he meant to say .
25 Anyway , he 's coming to the conference , so I dare say I 'll sit and hear what he has to say .
26 ‘ Everyone is welcome to come along and hear what he has to say , ’ said Marjorie .
27 It was accompanied by an image : Nevil standing in the dining-room and saying what he had said , the boy peeping and listening .
28 As she watched him striding up the beach she tried to consider what he had said but with his loss the full weight of her grief hit her with a thud that stopped her eyes , her ears , her brain .
29 Ranulf repeated what he had said .
30 He had not quite known what he wanted to say .
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