Example sentences of "[verb] if she do n't " in BNC.

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1 Claudia sat down quickly , feeling she would fall if she did n't .
2 I know perfectly well , but I 'm not explaining if she does n't know what I 'm talking about .
3 I think she imagined if she did n't think about it it might go away .
4 The Duchess will be told quite clearly that if news or information gets out publicly in any way she could be fined , for example will be warned that time spent with her children will possibly be curtailed if she does n't tow the line .
5 Tell her firmly that you fear if she does n't pull herself together soon she 'll have a drink problem and suggest she seeks help from her GP who can refer her to a psychiatrist .
6 I have to be a little careful about it , because Miss Hinkle will disapprove if she does n't like the way I look .
7 No I mean if she do n't .
8 Will the public mind if she does n't appear and John Inman goes on instead ?
9 It was so far from her real self that she might have laughed if she did n't feel so humiliated .
10 I said almost nothing in the letter ; only that I 'd thought about her once or twice , that I had discovered what ‘ the waiting-room ’ meant ; and that she was to write back only if she really wanted to , I 'd quite understand if she did n't .
11 She is damned if she does and damned if she does n't .
12 Katrine was afraid of what might happen if she did n't pay up .
13 So now they 're saying if she does n't , if she goes off again without her mother 's consent then they 'll take her into care .
14 Yeah , they did it together erm step by step erm it was Okay she questioned if she did n't know what we were saying erm was n't that specific but then she made one herself following his instructions .
15 Patricia Maguire from Gloucestershire says the falls are not too bad and she enjoys racing … she would n't come if she did n't
16 ‘ There wo n't be anything for him to eat if she does n't write . ’
17 ‘ I usually do if she does n't come home . ’
18 Because she 'd abruptly felt as if her heart would burst if she did n't let him touch her , kiss her , hold her in his arms again , and then the desire had escalated so quickly that kissing had n't been enough ?
19 to get her car back , you know what they said if she does n't pay that thirty pound within six weeks they 'll pawn it !
20 And she was gon na , aye trying to do her ironing because she said if she did n't get it done they 'd be all next week 's as well to do , and I said to Tracy what 's he doing all day ?
21 Whether it 's rape by a former boyfriend , abuse by an older authority figure , repeated groping by a brother or cousin , or assault by a casual acquaintance , the emotional scars go deep and a woman 's life can be destroyed if she does n't get help in coping .
22 If I 'd have gone to the to the social services or er the D H S S and says to them , my daughter 's got to have a new uniform to go to school with because her self respect is gon na suffer if she does n't , they would n't have given be nothing .
23 work out the things she does if she did n't like quite funny .
24 Well Susan said I ca n't make her come if she does n't want to come .
25 You see if she does n't . ’
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