Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Just as inevitably , the Soviet Union and Syria both felt compelled to redouble their efforts to fortify their respective positions in the conflict , to offset the damage this agreement had done them .
2 ‘ From the US standpoint , the demand for dollar convertibility was simply the demand for an exchange value guarantee on the fiduciary instruments [ dollars ] that financed their deficits , while surplus countries retained their freedom to allow their surpluses to pile up ’ ( Gilbert , 1980 , p. 185 ) .
3 Ann Johnson , who is now separated from husband Andrew , said she and their three children have rebuilt their lives following their nightmare .
4 US citizens want their government to solve their huge domestic economic problems .
5 Most teachers , too , want their pupils to enjoy their learning .
6 Hoylake withdraws action : Hoylake has withdrawn its court action against the insurance commissioners in nine US states , challenging their right to review its bid for BAT Industries .
7 UR say their tracks mirror their moods .
8 A , wet their pants wet their pants to annoy them B , suckle and C , make love to them
10 People walking their dogs trail their evening shadows across him .
11 All of those present who had shed their masks activated their own identical tattoos then willed the image to vanish again .
12 Mars expect their customers to chomp their way through more than a billion bars this year , worth about £90m .
13 Counts can be seen as royal servants ; but at the same time they used their position to entrench their local power .
14 But Bristol used their weight to score their only try when Peter Stiff barged through to touch down …
15 Two children have witnessed their father shoot their mother then commit suicide at a house in London .
16 They agreed to continue their efforts to improve their social life and to discuss openly any disagreements or suspicions which cropped up .
17 The students also decided to continue their strike to press their demands for prosecution of former communist leaders responsible for Bulgaria 's economic crisis , and for nationalization of BSP assets .
18 The implication from Hall 's research is that organisms can adapt their genes to suit their environment , and that the production of genetic mutations is not necessarily separate from natural selection .
19 Er Madam Speaker I entirely agree , I entirely agree with my ho honourable friend er the absence of the social chapter in Britain accounts in part for our higher levels of employment and the reforms which we carried out in the eighties and the figures speak for themselves , as do the er people who speak for industry for example when Black and Decker announced their intention to bring their operations er fully into Britain out of Germany , a company spokesman said anyone familiar with this sit situation in Germany will grasp that because of costs it is become very difficult to do business there .
20 But it was n't until 1975 , when the German authorities announced their intention to build their own nuclear plant on the opposite side of the river Rhine , near the town of Wyhl , that people from both sides of the border came together to protest .
21 Tom and Deborah were both allowing their Ego to control their relationships .
22 The directors of the target must consider carefully any commitment with an offeror ( or anyone else ) which would restrict their freedom to advise their shareholders in the future ( eg not to consider competitive bids ) as such commitments may give rise to conflicts of interest or result in a breach of fiduciary duties .
23 Now , I do n't want their niggers giving our niggers any funny ideas . ’
24 A lot of tenants do n't want their competitors to know their cost base , particularly retailers .
25 ‘ Others have re-mortgaged their homes to save their small businesses only to admit defeat and opt for bankruptcy . ’
26 Two of the others , including the chairman , were using their positions to feather their own nests .
27 In the great pressure for profits , the large stores are using their muscle to get their share of the market .
28 Many students felt Deng was on their side , for they were not politically sophisticated enough to realise that he was using their movement to attack his opponents and thereby strengthen his own position .
29 Eva had the talent but Mrs Burrows had made it possible and she and Major Burrows were at Brisbane City Hall to see their daughter receive her degree .
30 They were not legally entitled to do so as teenagers and various factors may trigger their desire to find their birth parents at this stage .
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