Example sentences of "[verb] been made to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Committee felt that it was their duty to state that in their opinion , before the whole building was completely furnished and every necessary article provided , the total deficiency would not amount to less than £1,000 ‘ Many opulent individuals of the County have hitherto withheld their contributions ; but application by letter has been made to them all ; and no doubt can be entertained by your Committee of their ultimate assistance and support .
2 These are two of a very large number of similar actions brought by various banks against various local authorities , in respect of which a lead action order has been made to which I refer below .
3 This is set out as follows : ( 2 ) Where a person has entered into a contract after a misrepresentation has been made to him otherwise than fraudulently , and he would be entitled , by reason of the misrepresentation , to rescind the contract , then , if it is claimed , in any proceedings arising out of the contract , that the contract ought to be or has been rescinded , the court or arbitrator may declare the contract subsisting and award damages in lieu of rescission , if of the opinion that it would be equitable to do so , having regard to the nature of the misrepresentation and the loss that would be caused by it if the contract were upheld , as well as to the loss that rescission would cause to the other party .
4 A spokesman for the local Catholic bishop , insisted : ‘ No such complaint has been made to him and if you have any information he will investigate it . ’
5 Quantifying compensation may be complicated if an ex gratia payment has been made to you .
6 ( 3 ) The Building ( Scotland ) Act 1959 defines " warrant " as meaning a warrant under s.6 of the Act , including ( in the case of a warrant which has been granted ) any conditions to which it is subject , and any amendment which has been made to it .
7 We would advise that the policy has therefore been cancelled and a full refund of premiums for 1991 has been made to your mortgage account . ’
8 A day later he claimed that he had been the victim of a dirty tricks campaign , saying that his house had been under surveillance and that a carefully organized smear campaign had been waged against him , apparently concerning loans alleged to have been made to his petfood company several years previously .
9 Threats had been made to her and the children and in the end she had been driven over the edge .
10 Barely a week later an invitation had been made to him .
11 Cadfael believed it , but could imagine Herluin 's face if ever the claim had been made to him .
12 Tranchant , who had been co-owner with Tapie of an electronics firm , Nippon Audio Video System , alleged that Tapie had fraudulantly kept him ignorant of a payment of F13,000,000 which had been made to him by the Japanese company Toshiba when Toshiba bought the company in 1985 .
13 His father had confided in him and Francis himself had been surprised , not only by the nature of the confidence but also by the fact that it had been made to him .
14 The second part dealt with mixed foil and stated that the ownership of the sellers would transfer from the foil used in the manufacture to the finished products and that these would remain the property of the sellers until full payment had been made to them .
15 When the King 's Declarations were finally published , Richard Baxter was pleasantly surprised to find that some important concessions had been made to his position .
16 It 's alleged John Baillie shot the victim twice in the back after threats had been made to his family .
17 However , despite Eurotunnel 's concern with safety numerous changes have been made to its designs and specifications , especially of the shuttle fleet , which have contributed significantly to the increasing costs of the project .
18 The council are aware that various complaints have been made to them concerning land opposite ours where tipping has taken place , including the disposal of asbestos .
19 May I add to those representations the ones that have been made to me locally by committees responsible for organising the summer common riding festivals in the central Borders and Scotland ?
20 Also , as the first signatory of the motion , may I say that since it was tabled statements have been made to me about the involvement of Stella Rimington and Mr. Roger Windsor of the National Union of Mineworkers .
21 Some alterations have been made to it , such as substituting a cast-iron beam for the original timber one , but it is basically intact as built , and interested visitors can see it on application to the Coal Board 's local area office .
22 A few modifications have been made to it to accommodate foreign words but , generally speaking , it is the words rather than the syllabary that get modified and some get very thoroughly modified indeed .
23 Although homoeopathy has survived for close on two hundred years without drastic changes , it is not a static thing , and variations and modifications have been made to it throughout its history .
24 A map can be very useful if there is one available , or a conducted tour of the land , but it is your responsibility to ensure that you stay within the limits of the concessions that have been made to you .
25 In connection with your role in assisting in the preparation and despatch of the Information memorandum and its two related transmittal letters ( ‘ Memorandum ’ ) describing the business and operations of [ Company name ] Limited and its subsidiary companies ( ‘ the Group ’ ) certain representations have been made to you .
26 We made special provision for those with haemophilia and HIV because of the special circumstances that are apparent and because of the widespread representations that have been made to us .
27 What I would hope that we could achieve in this country is more through erm opportunities for disabled people , greater opportunities for disabled people to gain access into work and as my honourable friend knows , we have put forward some proposals we 're presently considering the position following the representations that have been made to us after the er new access to work scheme was announced and I hope to make an announcement on that aspect shortly .
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