Example sentences of "[verb] been give [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , despite the widespread use of intravenous heparin no patency data so far support the additional use of this agent once full-dose aspirin has been given with streptokinase or anistreplase .
2 McHale plans to use the extra £50,000 he has been given for players ' wages to good effect .
3 I ‘ ave found my spiritual ‘ ome etc etc ’ no official reason has been given for Eric 's sudden departure although rumours are rife that Eric was discovered sodomising Sir Matt Busby 's pet labrador ‘ flossy ’ in the showers at Old Trafford .
4 That is essentially because of the change in labour relations and the encouragement that has been given for employers and the work force to work together .
5 A similar explanation has been given for imbalances in the rodent fauna from the Pliocene at Laetoli , Tanzania ( Denys , 1985,1986 ) .
6 An explanation has been given for aggregation in the dark in terms of a simple behavioural response .
7 Planning permission has been given for Conder , a Darlington construction company , to build offices on Russell Street car park beside the inner ring road .
8 Of these compounds , special attention has been given to chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , especially CFCl 3 ( CFC 11 ) used mainly as a propellant in aerosol sprays , and CF 2 Cl 2 , ( CFC 12 ) used extensively as a cooling agent in refrigerators and air conditioners ( figure 6.2 ) .
9 The debate about lead pollution from vehicle exhaust emissions is well known ; less publicity has been given to PAHs ( polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons ) , a ubiquitous product of combustion processes and known to be carcinogenic ( Lioy and Daisey 1987 ) .
10 Most has been given to farmers like me who have long-standing grazing rights .
11 More recently , however , such theories have been extensively criticized ; the concept of development has been broadened again to take account of social and cultural , as well as economic , features ; and more attention has been given to development as a world-wide process in which there is a close interrelationship between events in different regions .
12 In total , the actions included in the Plan cover all road users but specific attention has been given to initiatives targeted at those road users most at risk , especially children and elderly people .
13 The evident conclusion is that the policy basis on which aid has been given to Africa has not been fulfilled .
14 Encouragement has been given to individualism , free enterprise and the pursuit of profit .
15 In this case , however , a clue has been given to declarer in the earlier bidding .
16 It was first discovered by Gallard in 1884 , but credit has been given to Dieulafoy who described it in 1889 .
17 THE seal of approval has been given to changes at an Essex landfill site even though work has already started without permission .
18 Of the four co-ordination problems identified in this paper as important to anaphor resolution , that of co-ordinating multiple knowledge sources is certainly the one to which most attention has been given to date .
19 A greater voice has been given to parents , governors , and head teachers in state schools and to GPs and patients in the health service .
20 In terms of the future of formal education , priority has been given to achievement of non-racial education , and neither questions of female access and achievement , nor the gendered content of educational materials , have been given much attention .
21 Juvenile lawlessness , he thought , represented ‘ a serious challenge , the difficulty of which is intensified by the extension of freedom which , for better or worse , has been given to youth in the last generation ’ .
22 The overwhelming priority has been given to teacher placements in industry whilst there have been excellent examples of reciprocal placement programmes placing business people into schools .
23 Great praise has been given to Mr. Baker , the United States Secretary of State , for arranging that conference and so fulfilling the commitment that he gave at the time of the Gulf war , when he said that he and President Bush would do all that they could to bring the parties to the negotiating table .
24 The summit has also led to the Community strengthening its environmental policy and additional emphasis has been given to industry , the creation of trans-European networks and consumer protection .
25 A great deal of publicity has been given to CFCs , not just because they are destroying the stratospheric ozone layer but because many are extremely powerful heat trappers as well .
26 In recent years , a lot of attention has been given to fibre .
27 A 12-week course on social security , employment and money advice has been given to 15- and 16-year-old pupils .
28 Increasingly , sheep offal has been given to cows as a form of protein in their diet .
29 As a means of analysing the meaning of to , special attention has been given to contexts in which the two infinitives can be contrasted , since in such cases to is the only variable in a constant linguistic context .
30 Several groups of Communes are in the LFA Zone de Montagne ; in the Rochefort-Montagne Commune of Puy-de-Dome much encouragement has been given to remembrement by M. Giscard d'Estaing who resides in the area and is in favour of ‘ progressive ’ agriculture .
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