Example sentences of "[verb] been so [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Her progress will be slow because she has been so critically ill .
2 AIDS leaves its victims with a terrible anguish , its randomness leaves its victims with the feeling that fate has been so terribly unfair to them .
3 ‘ At first I planned to stay in hospital with Jessica , but this has been so much better .
4 Maybe that was why she 'd been so uncharacteristically antagonistic to him all along , she realised now .
5 The little jokes , the smiles , the anecdotes about his childhood , about his city , had been nothing but clever prelude to her seduction but the worst of it was that she 'd been so damnably easy to seduce .
6 It could have been so vastly different for Leeds and Cantona .
7 Neither Boswell nor Johnson would have been so damningly ungracious as to suggest ( as other Scottish cities accused ) , that in the interests of free drink Aberdeen 's city fathers were promiscuous with their honours .
8 It could have been so much worse . ’
9 He still paid with violent headaches , but it could have been so much worse .
10 The kids loved the chants and the masks and puppets-usually Masquerade 's strength , although here even these lacked the usual imagination-but really it could all have been so much better in almost every respect .
11 Indeed , the suggestion might well have come from him in the first place , which would have been so much better for everyone .
12 It would have been so much easier if he had remained hostile towards her , but she could sense that that simply would not have been in keeping with his personality .
13 ‘ Of course ’ he said sitting down again ‘ it would have been so much easier if we had the assassin alive and on trial .
14 ‘ Poor Tom would have been so very unhappy if he 'd known of this situation , ’ she 'd sniffed while fumbling for a handkerchief .
15 ‘ It must have been so very cold in the night .
16 The atmosphere can not have been so very different in John Smith 's day .
17 If only Esther had shown her daughter the love she craved , Beth would have returned that love , and things would have been so very different .
18 Nevertheless the evidence which we have is enough to show that the situation in Merovingian Francia may not have been so very different from Visigothic Spain , where kings are well known to have been closely involved in the major ecclesiastical councils of the kingdom .
19 Can John really have been so politically conservative ?
20 But , paradoxically perhaps , this greater tolerance may result in less fragmentation , more coherence , and less subjection to the forms of anxiety or guilt or compulsive behaviour that may once have been so deeply disturbing or threatening .
21 He had little conviction that he could fulfil this role properly , his own experience of being fathered having been so grossly inadequate .
22 It pleased me immeasurably to know that he could sense the difference now , the promise of fulfilment , which would be the sweeter , it seemed to me , for having been so long deferred .
23 How could Lisa know him so well , when she herself had been so naïvely blind ?
24 Because the operators had been so heavily involved in the ‘ productionising ’ of the new technology and were thus extremely familiar with the technical possibilities of the machinery , they were in a strong position to negotiate higher rates than the time-study person would normally allow .
25 They had made love , and it had been so utterly different from his other experiences of sex that he thought something wonderful had happened .
26 Fergus had been so intensely aware of every separate part of her that it had been a pain and a torment .
27 Snow had come very early in the year , but all of October had been so intensely cold that no one was really surprised to see such a heavy fall , although there had been no sign of it when they entered the hall .
28 Following last year 's Masters , I received a letter from a reader who suggested that ‘ no-one in Britain before had been so generally popular through winning a sporting trophy than Woosnam ’ .
29 The only reason her own embarkation had been so hopelessly clumsy was because her limbs were all suddenly shaking like jellies .
30 Identifying the girl had been so extremely distasteful .
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