Example sentences of "[verb] not [vb infin] [be] a " in BNC.

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1 A few things nettled her : she did not relish being a clearing house for family complaints , for instance , and was carefully reticent on such occasions .
2 What he did not repeat was a signal from Gen Keightley in Austria , sent on 10 May [ KP 59 ] , in which Keightley had specifically requested permission " to be able to shoot at Yugoslavs who categorically disobey orders from British commanders . "
3 We will say that exactly what did not exist was a causal link between the operation of the mechanism , or anything else whatever , and the bar 's coming out .
4 O'Connor , jnr said ‘ I hit the ball under every tree and bush and the only thing I did not suffer was a heart attack . ’
5 She did not like being a victim .
6 In the end she decided that she did not like being a sightseer : the role filled her with an obscure rage .
7 It was a very gentle push , which Yanto did not believe was a serious attempt to stop him , so , as he swayed back against her , he tugged them down another inch .
8 This last statement should be noticed — he disliked assemblies and places where speeches were made at length and he did not enjoy being a chairman — but he made this single exception , the Convocation of York ; he always gave a presidential address , about which he took much trouble .
9 What we most certainly do not want is a dog with high fearlessness and high sharpness .
10 On savings , the one thing that we do not want is a return to the Labour Government 's policies of the 1970s .
11 The resulting ‘ optimal ’ control structure finds no place for active shareholder involvement , and hence the fact that the shareholders do not participate is a non-issue .
12 What those Heads of Government do not have is a record of losing 768,000 jobs in their countries in the past 12 months .
13 Analogously one might say " that the Earth is round is a fact " , " that Ruritania does not exist is a fact " .
14 Our ideas about faith were taken from my readings of Unamuno , and in this poem from one of the essays , ‘ Faith , Hope and Charity ’ , from The Tragic Sense of Life : ‘ A faith that does not doubt is a dead faith . ’
15 Not surprisingly , what an existentialist account of existence does not provide is a clarification of the conditions of objectivity .
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