Example sentences of "[verb] not know [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Gaily knew that he would not go , not even once , to the club , though he did not know of any reason , beyond a feeling , a shrinking-back from an uncongenial world , a novelty , the element of surprise .
2 It was my view that float fishing would not be a good idea anyhow , for I did not know of any big bream swims close enough to the bank for a float cast .
3 It was evident that he did not know of any solution . ’
4 Constanza agreed with much of what he had to say ; but he did not know of any way of not letting down Anna either .
5 He felt fairly confident that Nigel Steen , or whoever was mounting the campaign against her , did not know of any tie-up with Charles Paris .
6 Sally-Anne did not know of this conversation , of course , and by the next day she was her usual bouncing , energetic self , and it being Monday not only was it wash-day — oh , dear — but summer cleaning also began again , with everything being put back , and the whole place was shining and sweet-smelling , so that , Wednesday having come round , McAllister had sunk down into Dr Neil 's big armchair with a great , ‘ Phew , I 'm glad that 's all over ! ’ amusing Matey , whose soft spot for the girl who seemed to be making Dr Neil more reconciled to his lot grew greater every day .
7 ‘ That woman did not know about such birthmarks .
8 I did not know about any of this , because they had put a sleeping powder in my wine , and I was in a deep sleep .
9 erm In fact a simple formulation of this problem occurs in the opening paragraphs of À la Recherche , erm when the narrator writes this : ‘ When I woke in the middle of the night , I could not tell where I was , just as I did not know at first who I was .
10 There were amused smiles , but they did not know at all why Alain had done that .
11 They were , he said , ‘ cultural orphans ’ , and ‘ the children just did not know at all how to keep a house clean .
12 She thought that her father probably now earned more than £100,000 a year , but she did not know for sure because it was nine years since she had last visited him , four years since she had last received a Christmas card from him .
13 What the precise purpose was of installing complex electronics in an old sailing vessel he did not know for sure , and Iain did not press him .
14 Ages recorded on death certificates ( and to a lesser extent on marriage certificates ) were not always accurate because the informant did not know for sure .
15 Thus in a class of 31 fourth-formers , 14 pupils did not know in any terms however simple , the significance of Good Friday nor 9 of Easter Sunday ; 21 could not name one book in the New Testament and 27 one book in the Jewish Bible .
16 I do not know of that detailed work , but she has made an interesting comment on the position in the United States .
17 But the people who are running them often do not know of each other 's existence , or if they do , they find it difficult to cooperate with one another .
18 I do not know of any direct evidence that sexually transmitted diseases increase the libido of sufferers , but I conjecture that it would be worth looking into .
19 Unfortunately the authors do not know of any existing Green oil painting .
20 We do not know of any other reports of a similar nature but we know of a lady whose left hip joint was completely destroyed as a result of rheumatoid arthritis .
21 My own society , SOLACE ( Society for the liberation of animals from cruelty and exploitation ) , claims no such thing and I do not know of any society that does .
22 I do not know of any study of this change which can answer that question in anything like a precise and well-documented fashion .
23 And I do not know of any other argument , not relying on PC k , which Nozick could use to show that we do not know we are not brains in a vat without showing that we do not know most other things either .
24 I do not know of any recipe .
25 We do not peer review advertisements as we peer review scientific papers , and I do not know of any medical journals that do .
26 The very word imperialism is modern ; I do not know of any serious attempt to grasp the dynamics of any imperialism — old or new — before J. A. Hobson 's Imperialism in 1902 .
27 I do not know of any Hellenistic evidence to show that a Gentile became a Jew or a sympathizer because he had read the Bible .
28 I do not know of any thorough research on the usage of the article with personal names in II Maccabees .
29 I do not know of any known way of preventing evil men from planting a little piece of plastic explosive in a vast complex like the Musgrave Park hospital .
30 I repeat what I have said many times : I do not know of any person who pays taxes out of anything other than income .
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