Example sentences of "[verb] by [noun prp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The twice world champion 's case was considered by Lightman immediately after one in which Higgins was the complainant in a disrepute charge against his former manager , Howard Kruger , who resigned from the association 's board last weekend .
2 His insistence that there would be no lengthy liberal democratic interregnum , but instead a fusing of the two revolutions , was belatedly accepted by Lenin only after the February 1917 revolution .
3 Interfax news agency later released remarks made by Starovoitova shortly before her dismissal , and possibly connected with it , in which she accused the authorities of a pro-Ossetian bias in their response to the emerging conflict in the North Caucasus [ see below ] .
4 There also happens to be a young TV filmmaker ( Jean-Pierre Léaud , the nouvelle vague 's fetish actor ) similar to the one played by Cleavon Little in Yates 's picture .
5 Until now , MicroCadam was supplied by Fujitsu only on its FMR series personal computers .
6 The 11 May sale features over one hundred paintings and drawings , highlighted by George Braque 's late masterpiece ‘ Atelier VIII ’ ( 1952–55 ) ( est. around $8–10 million ) , bought by Cooper directly from the artist , who had sold it only on condition that it would never leave France .
7 Before doing so , fine gravel produced by Marley specifically for the task is brushed into the joints .
8 It seats approximately 180 persons for full silver service , and has been redecorated by Duchy throughout in traditional English style .
9 In our example , this allowance relates to improvements performed by Y. Thus in a claim by Z against Y , Y is entitled to deduct the improvement allowance when returning Z the price paid by Z.
10 Hales himself was used by Sadler informally on government business and turned to Sadler 's other proteges for securing the office .
11 Stand by Tim here after the news update at five o'clock to take you home in style .
12 This was de Gaulle 's substitute for the instabilities of PR , only briefly replaced by PR again in the mid-1980s .
13 Philpott had then been contacted by Graham personally on the advice of the Delta Commander .
14 Bands of boys and girls from the colony made illegal forays that were countenanced by Makarenko just in order to live .
15 A statement by Anatoly Lukyanov , chairman of the Supreme Soviet , about the proposed Union Treaty was distributed by Tass together with the SCSE 's first decree .
16 The series was inaugurated by Richard Long in 1990 , and Anthony Caro showed new and recent work there a year ago .
17 BBC 's ‘ That 's Life ’ consumer television programme was the first outside customer , followed by Barclaycard mainly for consumer issues and Newcastle College of Arts and Technology for employment and benefit issues .
18 Members have the opportunity to go on weekend projects , conservation working holidays and training courses run by BTCV all over the country .
19 It replaced an investigative commission appointed by Olszewski immediately after the incident .
20 The following problem list was compiled by Liz together with her therapist :
21 The 31-year-old left back , signed by Brian Little from Halifax last February , joined the Fourth Division club for what manager Ray Hankin described as a four figure fee .
22 We have works signed by Nearchos both as potter and painter ( fig. 52 ) .
23 This was mainly the result of the action taken by Roosevelt shortly after his second inauguration : his attempt to reform the Supreme Court .
24 For example to find all the recordings with Symphony in the title composed by Sibelius together with any recordings by the Royal Philharmonic ( R P O ) you would enter Symphony* ( or just *Sym ) in A61 , Sibelius in B61 and R P O in F62 .
25 Her younger brother was sent by Teresa later in the day to say she would not be returning to a house where a dangerous lunatic lived and no one could expect her to — she would rather forfeit that week 's wages than wait long enough to give notice .
26 The term was coined by Thomas More in his Utopia ( 1516 ) and is compounded from the Greek for not and place — literally " noplace " .
27 Adjusting to middle-age is its other main concern , with Marrakech ( perceived by Walter entirely through the lush vagueness of travel-brochure prose ) standing for the life of exotic , unfettered opportunity that becomes increasingly unattainable .
28 Drawn from stock and private sources , including the artist 's family , it comprises landscapes , nudes and flower pictures , and features both a view of a village church painted as early as 1924 and the final picture completed by Hitchens shortly before his death in 1979 .
29 The Kromaton is a countercurrent chromatograph developed by SEAB especially for use in pharmaceutical laboratories .
30 This miracle is placed by Mark just after the chapter on parables in which the secrets of the kingdom of God are given to the disciples .
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