Example sentences of "[verb] at [noun] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Favourable wind direction was enjoyed at Renfrew up to this point , however the weather appeared to be on the change on April 29 .
2 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
3 Interim figures are forecast at £40m down from £72m , with a cut in the dividend expected .
4 For example , the 670MP Sparcserver is now priced at $50,000 down from $60,000 .
5 They are put to sleep on their backs , being turned at times on to their sides in the belief that this will promote a culturally valued ‘ rounded ’ head .
6 But they was living at Trebyan up to when Matthew got married ; then their father took that house in P'nzance next to the shop .
7 ‘ Hey , little dog , ’ he giggled , looking at Trent out of crazed eyes .
8 Everything would have to be unloaded at anchorage on to mexeflote rafts and then brought ashore .
9 Racing at Ayr up in Scotland where it is dry , Nottingham , Cheltenham where the Mackeson Gold Cup is , big card at Windsor with a lot of runners and finally the all-weather racing at Lingfield .
10 In the event of a fire , a maroon would be set off and their turn out was of such a high standard that they arrived at fires out of the district before the local brigades in whose area the fire was .
11 We hurtled at speed back to our ship , and Posi got us away about two nanoseconds after the Manport had withdrawn to the Fraxillian liner .
12 She had stayed at work up to the proper time to get the full benefits and she had felt important enough , leaving to have a baby , for the loneliness to be kept at bay for the time leading up to her last day .
13 In 1975 it was believed that a large fleet of supersonic aircraft flying at altitudes up to 25 km would have a ‘ noticeable effect ’ on the ozone layer ( World Health Organization , 1976b ) .
14 Cranston glanced at Athelstan out of the corner of his eye and smiled at the barbed reminder what was true of Fulke and others in the Tower was also true of his relationship with the Lady Maude .
15 He glanced at Siban out of the corner of his eye , but said nothing .
16 Thought to be a Risso 's dolphin , he would meet steamers with faithful regularity , joining and leaving at a particular spot , and then bow riding at speeds up to 15 knots and rubbing his body against the ship 's hull .
17 And the boxes would even be warm when they landed at Wyre down in the hold of the steamer .
18 In this respect his practice contrasts interestingly with that of the Mirror of St Edmund where this is remembered at Compline along with the entombment thus suggesting a constant cycle of enactment of the Passion .
19 The high sea levels of the Pleistocene , corresponding to the interglacials , are often held to have been responsible for highly degraded marine terraces now found at altitudes up to about 70 m ( 230 ft ) above present sea level .
20 A tall order with many quality filter systems starting at prices up in the £200/300 price bracket but fortuitously a high performance filter had just come onto the market at an affordable price .
21 Most choose to come for two-week periods , with time to practise at home in between .
22 In a separate move , the chairwoman of the new trust has said she would be open to the possibility of the trust co-opting a representative from the teaching departments involved at Yorkhill on to the board .
23 It was the way we looked at life back in the mid-60s . ’
24 Agnes looked at Sadie out of the corner of her eye without turning round .
25 Her complexion was sallow , with lines of bitterness running down to a mouth pinched in discontent , and she looked at Theda out of a pair of lacklustre eyes , with patent contempt .
26 I mean , I 'm sorry … " he looked at Grace out of blue eyes fringed with ridiculously long lashes .
27 The 74 heifers on offer returned great prices to top at £192 over for a 470kg Limousin selling at £662 , £140.85 per 100kg .
28 Unsurprisingly since the bonds are pitched at prices up to £1,500 .
29 The Duke had planned to assemble as much of his army as possible , then march at dawn on to the French flank to help Blücher 's Prussians , but now Sharpe had brought much worse news .
30 They can operate at temperatures up to 1,000°C and very high pressures ; and they may be in constant use for 10 years .
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