Example sentences of "[verb] at [noun] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Favourable wind direction was enjoyed at Renfrew up to this point , however the weather appeared to be on the change on April 29 .
2 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
3 They are put to sleep on their backs , being turned at times on to their sides in the belief that this will promote a culturally valued ‘ rounded ’ head .
4 But they was living at Trebyan up to when Matthew got married ; then their father took that house in P'nzance next to the shop .
5 Everything would have to be unloaded at anchorage on to mexeflote rafts and then brought ashore .
6 Operating at temperatures close to absolute zero ( -273C ) , super-magnets deliver the most powerful fields available and consume practically no electricity while operating in their superconducting ( ie , loss-free ) state .
7 We hurtled at speed back to our ship , and Posi got us away about two nanoseconds after the Manport had withdrawn to the Fraxillian liner .
8 She had stayed at work up to the proper time to get the full benefits and she had felt important enough , leaving to have a baby , for the loneliness to be kept at bay for the time leading up to her last day .
9 In 1975 it was believed that a large fleet of supersonic aircraft flying at altitudes up to 25 km would have a ‘ noticeable effect ’ on the ozone layer ( World Health Organization , 1976b ) .
10 Thought to be a Risso 's dolphin , he would meet steamers with faithful regularity , joining and leaving at a particular spot , and then bow riding at speeds up to 15 knots and rubbing his body against the ship 's hull .
11 This brought them to Teviot , in the Hawick area , where they learned that the Balliol company had passed there , avoiding the town , the morning before , having apparently camped at Goldielands just to the west .
12 The high sea levels of the Pleistocene , corresponding to the interglacials , are often held to have been responsible for highly degraded marine terraces now found at altitudes up to about 70 m ( 230 ft ) above present sea level .
13 In a separate move , the chairwoman of the new trust has said she would be open to the possibility of the trust co-opting a representative from the teaching departments involved at Yorkhill on to the board .
14 Unsurprisingly since the bonds are pitched at prices up to £1,500 .
15 The Duke had planned to assemble as much of his army as possible , then march at dawn on to the French flank to help Blücher 's Prussians , but now Sharpe had brought much worse news .
16 They can operate at temperatures up to 1,000°C and very high pressures ; and they may be in constant use for 10 years .
17 Consequently on 12th. a new unit was formed at Hal Far to be known as 185 Squadron .
18 Actually , the family lived at Trebyan up to a few months before I was born , then they moved next door to be near the shop . ’
19 Experimentally , good-quality LEED I-V spectra can be obtained at energies up to several hundred electronvolts without the difficulties associated with photoelectron , Auger electron and diffuse LEED patterns .
20 The liquid looks very like human blood and was poured at night on to the fields .
21 The fire is burning at temperatures up to 500°C in the honeycomb of mine tunnels 150 metres below the surface .
22 The extra-oral treatment requires processing at temperatures closer to the glass transition temperature where segmental mobility allows additional polymerisation .
23 He said that , during the 20-minute journey to the quarry at Furnace on Loch Fyne , a lit cigarette had been used to burn him on the back of the neck , he had been struck constantly , and as the car travelled at speeds up to 70mph , the man beside him had opened the door and told him to take his chances and jump .
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