Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I made the mistake this morning of trying to squeeze in er before I came here to just cl try and clear another task .
2 Jamie and Becky Blandford made the announcement this morning , just two years after their wedding.The Marquis 's solicitors say they have entered what is described as a period of separation in their marriage.Their first child is due in August .
3 Of course , you see , it 's you that 's using the caravan this week so they can come here they can they ?
4 I could n't really see why he was n't given the chance this season ( apart from the last mins vs Swindon ) ,
5 She was on the very first Dreamflight in 1987 as a leukaemia sufferer and was now back as a helper , having been given the all-clear this year .
6 Yet if we deny the creature this understanding , which even Clark himself seems to acknowledge , yet insist with him that it nonetheless fears death , then it is in the distinctly paradoxical position of fearing something of which it could not , in any sense , be aware .
7 ‘ When I introduce the film this evening you must say a few words too , ’ I said , and he agreed .
8 But he 's got to strip the bonnet so Dave said well I 'll get my lad to strip the bonnet this afternoon and er you know , few hundred quid for the day we 'll be glad to be able to finish off doing them and He 's got too many
9 His laser eye could strip paint off walls : ‘ England is Europe 's madhouse , poor , derelict and deprived ; where the rulers batten on an ignorant and regressive working class who are fed with the most tawdry material promises ; so insular that no-one is able to see the shit-house this country has become ’ .
10 But , read the chapter this way or that , if there was ever a case for recognising that unions have a right to share in the management of companies , that case depended critically upon a general expectation — amounting to a near-certainty — that , rather than give primacy to their sectional interests , unions would and could act in the general interest whenever it was necessary or desirable for them to do so .
11 that 's right because they 've just released papers after thirty years of work that he was doing for the M O D he was actually doing it in his role as a member of the P R flight , Beaver Brooke sold the government this idea
12 Such is the pulling power of Europe 's richest race , the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe , that up to 10,000 Britons will make the journey this weekend , making a considerable impact in a total crowd of 35,000 .
13 Perhaps he should let Cora-Beth make the running this evening at his party .
14 However , if the draw is kind to Martinez , she could must make the final this year and then , who knows ?
15 Whitaker ( 1979 : 229 ) clearly understands the way this rejection of training and education operates within the service :
16 Joe had once taken Rose Macaulay to a Billy Graham revivalist , fundamentalist mass meeting and been utterly revolted by all the rabid emotionalism and the militant Christianity , and he reminded me what Graham had said about Kinsey : ‘ It is impossible to estimate the damage this book will do to the already deteriorating morals of America . ’
17 Inexperience in the heavier , but more powerful Indycars aside , Mansell said he could face problems if Cyclone Roger , which has been lashing the coast this week , brings rain on race day .
18 ‘ Do n't know much else about him — only got the message this afternoon . ’
19 We only got the message this morning "
20 Plans for the biggest private housing development in Europe finally got the go-ahead this afternoon .
21 I got the reminder this morning .
22 ‘ I did n't want the weddin' this way . ’
23 He wondered then , if the others who had remained on Earth experienced the void this way .
24 Thirty five thousand visitors are expected to attend the show this weekend to see a collection of classic American gas-guzzlers.Mike Dolan reports .
25 Within minutes , he has told me he will be seeing the PM this afternoon , and that he dined with Mrs Thatcher the previous evening .
26 As only the second Asian MP in Parliament it is anyone 's guess how that issue will affect the voting this time in this traditionally ‘ conservative ’ area .
27 Despite the two-child family becoming the average this century , most women married since 1930 have not had two children : three-quarters had at least one child more or less than the average .
28 The Indian hierarchy could hardly believe their luck when they heard details of the party to tour the sub-continent this winter .
29 Do nt think we can win the title this year ? look at the main challengers :
30 ‘ I know I can win the championship this year , ’ he says .
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