Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He added that other vehicles were despatched when it was realised the press were in attendance and that other people in area might be there .
2 The problems that Sterling faced in recovering the aircraft were at some times almost insurmountable .
3 With all this ‘ they ’ who made the Smoke were in some way concerned .
4 Having heard the Orkneys were like Eden
5 No we 're not all rushing off all over the place although the men and s some of the women you know we have gone off and they still I mean the men were in South Wales last week .
6 ‘ I did n't think the Turks were like that , ’ said Scarlet .
7 He wrote girls ' phone numbers in the back of the book so that she would think the stars were for something else if she snooped around .
8 Later firemen tackling the blaze were in danger from exploding canisters of acetylene and propane .
9 Yes in the vicin I I did n't know the cupboards were near the bed , but yes , in relation to the bed those two places would it have taken a fraction of a second to strip off the duvet to check what was under it .
10 Now say for instance that because of the minimum solvency er agreement the employers have got to pay whatever their loss is , and if and I asked this question of the T U C that if there was a situation of where the employees were in the majority and forget the pension regulator , because there was a regulator anyway , so you can add whatever name that y you liked to have , but the fraud still went on , but say the employees were in the majority as far as the trustees is concerned and they were in full control and the control was taken away from the employers and there was a a federation of the hundred and twenty eight thousand with a central fund paying off heavy loss of any minimum solvencies , then surely that would be the ideal situation in order to safeguard , because when I asked Goodey himself when he submitted his report , he said they could not give any categ categorical assurance that nobody could defraud in any scheme under the proposals he 's made .
11 The photons which approached the crystal were in a state which was a superposition of that state of polarisation together with the state of polarisation parallel to the optical axis .
12 Disproportionate sentences with the alleged purpose of reforming the offender were to be rejected .
13 But he was still not suffering from his hypmaniacal attack — he now believed the Mafia were after him — and when the ambulance stopped at Tottenham Court Road , a quarter of a mile away , he leapt out and set off again naked down the street .
14 Signs detailing the changes were in place around the route this week and county and borough councillors plan a formal opening of the scheme on Monday morning when a special bollard is locked into place in Duke Street .
15 In industries like coal , railways , and power the unions were in a very strong bargaining position .
16 She-who-Pulls-the-Strings said the bars were to far apart and the dogs would get stuck in them .
17 British Nuclear Fuels Limited , operators of Chapelcross nuclear power station , says the particles were of no radiological significance .
18 But the charity behind the clinic says the parents were over reacting .
19 As one who grew up in the Dark Ages and is , as a result , spiritually stunted and psychologically scarred , I regularly find myself cringing at the sight of moaning footballers and speculating , in a twisted fashion , on how much better they might play if all the energy spent on operating the jaws were to be concentrated on getting on with the game .
20 Police officers investigating the murder were among today 's congregation .
21 But I do not believe the demonstrations were in vain , because the spirit of freedom has been rekindled among the Chinese people , ’ he said .
22 One of the problems was that the type of people they recruited to man to staff the switchboard were from outside , they did n't know the force
23 He said John Murray initially denied everything and then claimed the items were to be used in a ‘ Doomsday situation ’ .
24 The jury was told the men were to be paid £1,000 each with £500 expenses by Mr Brown 's wife to kill him .
25 He reckoned the guards were in the small building at the easterly end of the runway .
26 ( Waddington et al. , 1990 , show that in the Nottinghamshire community which they surveyed the immigrant and the ‘ local ’ miners were spatially segregated within the housing stock and that most of the miners who joined the strike were among the recent immigrants whose home lives were somewhat separate from those of the rest of the community . )
27 She heard a noise , but , before she could take any evasive action , a cycle came spinning round the corner and the sharp eyes of the girl who had been cleaning the farm were on her intently .
28 Assistant county planning officer Alfreda Thistlethwaite said negotiations between the National Trust and Government departments over buying the land were at a crucial stage .
29 But the rejoicing and the laughter which followed the tears were of equal importance , because they powered the erotic joy that was as important as the water falling from the sky .
30 The coastguards then decided it was too risky to fly the men off the vessel because of the atrocious weather , saying the men were in no immediate danger .
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