Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But as Elisabeth stood watching she noticed that where the sea met the shore it broke in lively foam .
2 In the vote on the NUM motion three factors helped to tip the balance in favour of the Labour leadership : the NUM lacked the support it commanded last month at Blackpool from Nalgo , the local government officers ' union , since the latter is not affiliated to the party ; the pro-nuclear EETPU , absent from Blackpool since its expulsion from the TUC , cast its votes in favour of the leadership 's stance ; and Ucatt , the construction union , previously in favour of the 15-year deadline , has recently withdrawn its opposition to the policy review plan .
3 ‘ The county council has to make up the remainder but it has already limited the amount it intends to spend . ’
4 In seeking to grasp this dynamic , and portray it , he had become enthused with the duende , the spirit unleashed by the flamenco — music and dance — which he believed to be the dynamic of true art and artistic expression : ‘ Repel the angel , kick out the muse , ’ , he was wont to exclaim ; arguing that artists must work ‘ from the gut , ’ with the conviction and intensity that the expression exudes ; allowing the life-force it releases to flow — torrentially , vividly , dramatically ; as in the flamenco itself .
5 Hughes is convinced that the North West , its tales of achievement drowned out by London 's much-trumpeted experiences , has not received the credit it deserves for its wartime resilience .
6 The concept of the DEA , conceived , according to legend , by Wilson and his deputy , George Brown , in the back of a taxi on the short journey between the St Ermin 's Hotel and the House of Commons ( a legend Wilson has demolished , though on that journey he did offer Brown the job of running the DEA ) had scarcely received the attention it deserved during Labour 's preparation for power .
7 The Northern Regional Health Authority said it has received the report it had requested from Dr Lawler and had now asked South Tees Health Authority to investigate .
8 As the marble attempts to surmount the obstacle it looses speed .
9 He began to notice how people deferred to it , seeking to mollify its tyranny : this business , for instance , of praising the compassion it displayed in healing old wounds .
10 It is said to have made no provision for the protection of sea lochs , to operate without an overall development plan , and to have made little attempt to monitor the farms it has approved .
11 In other words , the guitar is going to sound the way it wants to sound , and there 's not a lot you can do about it .
12 Mr Webb says the row wo n't stop his fund raising activities — but he thinks the hospital should refund the money it spent , so that it can be put towards other needy projects .
13 I did n't mean it to go the way it did .
14 It might just do that , if the new striking partnership forged by Andy Saville and Lenny Johnrose fulfils the promise it showed on Saturday .
15 Intel is believed to have altered the process it uses to fabricate the hard-to-build chips and wo n't know until the autumn whether the process actually works .
16 Aranjuez , however , had clarified Napoleon 's muddled thinking on the Spanish question and he had no intention of using the opportunity it presented in order to support a puppet king whose character and intentions he mistrusted .
17 His submission was that where the words of a statute were ambiguous or obscure or were capable of giving rise to an absurd conclusion it should be legitimate to look at the Parliamentary history , including the debates in Parliament , for the purpose of identifying the intention of Parliament in using the words it did use .
18 Investments in Flash memory and liquid crystal diode displays mean that Sharp Corp will keep both capital and research and development expenditure almost unchanged in the fiscal year starting tomorrow : Sharp will invest $225m to double output to 200,000 displays a month and will add $130m to the $86m already invested in fabrication plants for Flash memory , using the design it licensed from Intel Corp ; and it is plans to invest $86m in research and development .
19 The hammer continues upwards , using the energy it had initially acquired , until it hits the string .
20 Neither film was given the release it deserved , and consequently both were box-office failures .
21 The brothers ' crimes against Joseph were met eventually with a forgiveness as large as Esau 's , and this time the forgiveness was received , and given the response it deserved .
22 Then , impossible though this seemed given the blow it had been struck , the form started to haul itself to its feet .
23 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
24 As a result , the marketing mix must have : Strategic elements ( for instance , the company must decide what kinds of products or services it wishes to produce , given the choices it has made about the target markets it wants to satisfy .
25 Pop culture thus works through an amalgam of attitude , inspiration , intuition and detail ( for nobody is as obsessive as the true pop fan , whose obsession is rarely given the respect it deserves ) ; crucially , it works best not in public , where the terms of discourse are set by the dominant culture , but in private space .
26 That when women are given the vote it follows that children should be given it too is no argument at all , but a version of it occurs in modern debates over the justice or injustice of Mill 's famous disclaimer in his essay On Liberty .
27 It is good to see ageism given the attention it deserves .
28 For example , whenever fuller explanations are needed , and to avoid over-simplification , there are longer , four-page units ( see below ) which ensure each point is given the attention it needs .
29 The shortfalls in the hospital system , combined with skimpy postnatal care in the community , mean that the pressure on new mums to ‘ get back to normal ’ quickly is immense , and that the huge change which has taken place in their lives is n't being given the attention it needs .
30 Given the time it takes for non-experts to put up a house , the interest charges on your loan may eat considerably into the discount you capture by using your own labour , says Tuffin .
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