Example sentences of "[verb] he [vb past] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The BIL says he worked out a Paul Daniels routine to deal with all the people who came in complaining about it ( count to three — say the magic word — now look in your wallet ) .
2 He says he found out the calves ' tongues were grey and pink .
3 but then on the erm , Saturday , and the , that 's , and then on I say then on the bloody Friday night what happened he fell out the bed I phoned
4 As it happened he pulled up a shattered Kersil seven from home .
5 While waiting he brought out a penknife and began whittling away a table-top .
6 Another alleged he carried out an illegal abortion at her home .
7 Remember he walked out the lost .
8 It caught on the second try , and after a minute 's revving he switched off the ignition and let it die .
9 In the weeks that followed he built up a regular round of customers and boasted that it was better than going to work , especially on cold winter mornings .
10 The jury heard he carried out the attack on a post graduate Russian student as she cycled home across Oxford 's Port Meadow last July .
11 The court heard he set up a bank account with the Royal Bank of Scotland in Darlington in the name of Momen Garawand and then used cheque books to spend almost £6,500 .
12 It was n't that he would n't help , often he did , but he believed that by delegating he brought out the best in people , that they would rise to the challenge , and he had other things to be done . ’
13 A few minutes after restarting he picked up the autobahn to Salzburg .
14 When tea was brought he took out a book he had been reading over his lunch .
15 The ideas were always Durance 's , he always initiated the paintings and when his hands permitted he carried out the work , but as he had become increasingly crippled the execution had been left more and more to his protégée .
16 When he was certain they were not being followed he darted down a narrow , stinking court and knocked at a door .
17 ‘ So … if the kitchen bag had just been changed and the photos were on the top outside , it can only mean he threw out the photos in the last couple of days . ’
18 After she had gone he switched off the gramophone , drained his drink in a single gulp , then stooped to pick up the offending telegraph message .
19 Unfortunately his foot was in it at the time and I slammed it , at which point he pulled out a badge and said he was a cop .
20 When I told him I could not come he turned up the collar of his coat and walked away , looking at the pavement beside the unlit shop windows , hands deep in his pockets , and passed into the night going towards the Bridge of Three Eyes .
21 well I , apprehensive is the word really , but he , I think he came down the other , this week just for a day and spent back here and saw one or two people and I think he 's happier now
22 I mean I I think he put up a very good show and er I know it 's very disappointing to lose , is n't it ?
23 The offender held his pistol to the head of a customer who was being served and demanded that the assistants filled two bags with cash ; when one of them hesitated he pulled back the breech of the gun and threatened to shoot the customer .
24 Mr Power ca n't have done because now and then when rebellion stirred during overlong film repairs he rushed down the aisle cracking a whip .
25 While he waited he switched on the television , flicked it on to CNN .
26 She hoped he picked up the phone quickly .
27 Venables , who freely admits he took on a huge financial burden for his 22 per cent stake , is alleged to want more say on the financial side , but Sugar prefers him to concentrate on coaching .
28 You said he turned up a few hours after the event , so it seems likely he left London at short notice .
29 The London driver said he picked up the brothers at Grosvenor House Hotel after the Players ' Union awards dinner last Sunday .
30 See he smashed up the house on Christmas day .
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