Example sentences of "[verb] he [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't know he had to give him a little verbal back .
2 Or has he contrived to bring you out —
3 Has he got to pass it ?
4 The perusal of it swelled his heart with joy ; he found he had to read it twice , and the pleasure of its proclamation left him flushed from top to toe .
5 At the end of 1978 , when he realized the danger that Khomeini was inflicting on the Shah from France , Marenches say he tried to have him expelled from the country .
6 In one leading case Lord Denning said : " The court will not restrain the publication of an article , even though it is defamatory , when the defendant says he intends to justify it or to make fair comment on a matter of public interest .
7 ‘ Sister , that guy who threw up on you is here — says he wants to see you . ’
8 So he 's decided he wants to collect them now .
9 I 'm not going to jump because he has decided he wants to meet me , ’ he said .
10 Owen was , he was aware , a hired man and not a member of the charmed social circle and if he wanted to get things done he had to do it indirectly by tweaking the inner social system .
11 As they made their way along the Jamaica Road to the tram stop he tried to reassure her but Carrie 's mind was racing .
12 Jealousy was wildly in her eyes but if Felipe noticed he chose to ignore it .
13 Could not believe he expected to get it through without having a formal appraisal system .
14 ‘ I remember he tried to tell us clouds came from the Steam Packet Hotel , in the town .
15 As soon as I heard he wanted to work we got going .
16 Mr Todd made clear at the weekend that he thought Mr Field was a bad loser , saying he appeared to think he was God 's gift to Birkenhead .
17 The disclosures reveal that Professor Roland Smith , chairman of BAe , wrote to Lord Young , then Trade Secretary , on the day the sale was announced , saying he intended to claim he was unaware of the secret correspondence between them on how to hide the £38.8 million ‘ sweeteners ’ deal from the European Commission and Parliament .
18 ‘ I suppose he promised to marry you ? ’
19 Of course it must be agony for him to go shopping for me ( what does he do at the chemist 's ? ) , so I suppose he prefers to get it all over in one go .
20 I believe he continued to treat her long after he needed to , that he misled her into believing such treatment was necessary and that he faked his file notes accordingly . ’
21 I believe he came to see it would not do .
22 ‘ Having a gun just means the other fellow feels he has to shoot you first .
23 Nothing he could have said could have terrified her more ; it meant he wanted to take her to bed as well as take her self-respect and her father 's company .
24 She supposed because he was ostensibly Lord of the Manor , he felt he had to do it .
25 In order to persuade them , Richard Baxter felt he had to tell them of his concerns about the army and the reasons why he felt he must go .
26 You felt he had to make it happen or die . ’
27 ‘ I bet he manages to land them on poor old John in the end . ’
28 I bet he had to get it from out the back did he ?
29 Monument Hill was the last place he wanted to go to , but he knew he had to see it again for himself .
30 John did not have his brother Bobby 's ease on a platform but he had more integrity and honesty and he knew he had to do it .
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