Example sentences of "[verb] he [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In the circumstances , although I could have wished he 'd delayed his visit another hour or so , the edge of my temper had become somewhat dulled by recent events .
2 I had a feeling when I read those words over 40 years ago , and written in the heat of the aftermath of a long and tiresome period of war , that Sir Arthur might have wished he had put it differently .
3 Colour flooded her cheeks as she realised he was accusing her of posing and denying he had had anything to do with it .
4 It is not true I married for a red corduroy jacket belonging to my wife 's father ; but there is no denying he did pass it on to me , as a sort of dowry I believe .
5 He did n't know he had to give him a little verbal back .
6 First , her solicitor had seemed unsympathetic and , secondly , her husband had written to let her know he wished to sell their house .
7 All that talk about Janus , just to let her know he 'd suspected her of lying .
8 ‘ I did n't know he 'd paid her conscience money !
9 He does n't know he 's done it , you know .
10 But then he 'll know he 's got her riled .
11 He does n't even know he 's got them !
12 His cap 's on the floor in front of him and I think about picking it up for him , cos maybe if he 's blind he do n't know he 's dropped it .
13 Rain was holding the door for him and as he entered he stooped to kiss her forehead as he used to do .
14 ‘ You have n't yet answered my question , ’ Lubor reminded her when , for a brief while , she had forgotten he had asked it .
15 ‘ I expect he has told you of the tragedy ? ’
16 He feasted for months , for years , on a small pair of my slippers that I gave him ; I expect he has burnt them by now .
17 " I expect he 's forgotten me , do n't you ? "
18 Or has he contrived to bring you out —
19 What has he done to deserve your wrath ? ’
20 How many has he got do you know ?
21 Has he got to pass it ?
22 He has he 's broken his little sequence there , twenty-one .
23 She 'd thrown herself at him , and then when she 'd panicked he 'd dropped her like a hot potato … what a fool she 'd been !
24 He had employed two extra assistants to keep the flies at bay , and he found he had to force himself not to hurry his craft , not to cut corners .
25 The perusal of it swelled his heart with joy ; he found he had to read it twice , and the pleasure of its proclamation left him flushed from top to toe .
26 My father was a Gemini , and I knew your mother was a Sagittarian as soon as I found he 'd given her half the clip .
27 I expect he found he 'd sold his working-class birthright for a mess of Bloomsbury pottage .
28 He shone the torch over the floor of the gazebo , checking he had left nothing behind .
29 Well it was her fault really for not checking he 'd got his tie on .
30 She did n't need to look up to know he 'd seen everything , and that irritated her beyond measure .
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