Example sentences of "[verb] on [Wh det] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 After that Professor Costall got to work on what has been affectionately termed her ‘ Costallisation ’ of the University .
2 If the confrontation between Nazareth and Rome looks like it 's becoming unproductive , the teacher can come out of role and ask the children to reflect on what has been happening — perhaps through discussion , perhaps through a short piece of writing ( a diary entry , a letter to a friend , a sketch representing how the townspeople feel about the power relationship , or — shifting the perspective — the report that the Roman has to make to his commanding officer ) .
3 When you come out of role to reflect on what 's been going on your questions might include : " What led you to believe the carpenter was nervous/hiding something from us ? "
4 These criticisms , which focus on what has been left undone rather than on what has been done , are inevitably inconclusive .
5 For the tiny minority of nationalist rebels in Europe at that time , this was a horrifying act of dynastic power , imposed on what had been an ancient and important State with no reference to the wishes of the inhabitants .
6 For the record , I make it clear that I cast no smear or slur on the Minister for Housing and Planning , I simply commented on what has been widely publicised .
7 The next three sessions were devoted to working on material in various ways , transcribing short sections of interviews , producing illustrations , writing factual accounts of events and poems based on what had been gleaned during the preceding weeks .
8 The obvious question is whether the Dialtext system offers correspondingly less than the other products and , based on what has been seen , the answer must be no .
9 The training , which has yet to take place in the UK in a formal way , will draw on what has been written on language techniques and the specific situation of the deaf community .
10 Listen with an increased span of concentration to other children and adults , asking and responding to questions and commenting on what has been said .
11 Now the audit industry was in favour of that at the time because it saw itself as able to get its fingers into local authority audit so they were prepared to accept that they could do it then , it 's only now er when it 's proposed on what 's been their traditional prerogatives , they er er they audit of banks and private sector er er companies that they balk at the proposition and say ooh it 's horrendous we ca n't do it .
12 SCOTVEC 's Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee , drawing on what has been learned from the phase 1 and phase 2 pilot courses , has now completed detailed discussions on the transition from the developmental phase to the implementation of the new operational system .
13 The teacher moves from group to group , occasionally spotlighting one of them , saying " Let's see what 's happening in different parts of the town " and then reflecting on what 's been heard and seen : " Feelings are running high .
14 These centre on what has been describe in DES guidance as ‘ the whole curriculum ’ .
15 If sufficient evidence is available or can be generated on what has been achieved , the student should be made aware of this and be advised to prepare to communicate the findings .
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