Example sentences of "[verb] on [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A first time garden is usually small and certainly the typical one I am imagining for this series is no more than 40ft x 20ft and surrounded on all sides by other houses .
2 Following Emily in , he found himself surrounded on all sides by sagging shelves bearing rusty paint tins ; jam jars containing stubby brushes ; bottles half full of amber fluid , and oil cans .
3 The site of Castlerigg stone circle in the Lake District is an example , where the plateau on which it is sited is surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks .
4 The village of Villedommange is surrounded on all sides by vineyards which are a continuation northwards of the slopes of Écueil and Sacy .
5 Here there was a delay , for Fiver — surrounded on all sides by the quiet summer evening — became helpless and almost paralysed with fear .
6 Historical and geographical facts were intertwined : the country had been ‘ founded in 1821 after fighting between the Zulus and the Boers ’ ; it was surrounded on all sides by South Africa and contained mountain ranges , and so on .
7 The fact that the country is surrounded on all sides by South Africa is ‘ not a bad thing ’ : it enables 50,000 Lesothan men to work in South African mines , returning with their ‘ pockets bursting with rands ’ .
8 SEVEN STOPS NORTH-WEST of Baker Street on the Metropolitan Line , Pinner is the quintessence of a certain kind of Englishness , an embattled outpost of suburbia surrounded on all sides by the encroaching urban sprawl .
9 It is thus characteristic of traditional mytho-history that the real world of experience is surrounded on all sides by another world of the imagination which is inhabited by superhuman gods on the one hand and by sub-human unnatural monsters on the other : dog-headed men , men with tails , Amazonian women , cannibals , giants .
10 The town , known to have had the status of a vicus , is surrounded on all sides by numerous kiln sites and workshops which are everywhere interspersed with agricultural features and a number of substantial extra-mural houses or villas .
11 In one sense the shock of industrialisation lay precisely in the stark contrast between the black , monotonous , crowded and scarred settlements and the coloured farms and hills immediately adjoining them , as in Sheffield , ‘ noisy , smoky , loathsome ( but ) … surrounded on all sides by some of the most enchanting countryside to be found on this planet ’ .
12 The woody floras of those forests that are surrounded on all sides by arid woodlands consist of species with wide neotropical distributions and many of them are found elsewhere in a wide range of habitats while few are restricted to montane forest .
13 Today , the mill stands on the site of a busy gravel pit , and is surrounded on several sides by large mounds of gravel .
14 Cries rose on all sides of her as she filled the dishes , but she worked on steadily oblivious , like some eccentric female St Francis , brooding a little about the image seen in the vicarage garden , which , although it had turned out to be only an old cloth flung over a tree stump , was an indication of the way things might go .
15 Now meditate on these words of Paul , thinking about what they tell you about the grace and love of God in your own situation or that of someone close to you .
16 Presentations on Guinness Brewing 's strategic aim of being the best British brewer are being organised on all sites during the first two weeks of July .
17 According to Miller , Galanter & Pribram ( 1960 ) , behaviour is organised on several levels of complexity .
18 A third curiosity of the discount market is the one we hinted at in section 5.1 when we referred to the Bank of England 's appearing on both sides of the market , as a seller of treasury bills on the government 's behalf and as a buyer .
19 In short , the directors are not legally restrained from appearing on both sides of the bargaining table , but they must observe the necessary processes .
20 Certainly by 1831 it was generally supposed on both sides of the Commons that the 1823 approach had failed and that even on its own terms the government was committed to revising its policy .
21 Depreciation should be ( a ) calculated on the same basis as in the audited accounts for the year to 31 December , 1989 , and ( b ) charged on all assets on a monthly basis , with no upward revaluation of assets in the year and with due regard being paid to the carrying value of any assets and the length of the asset 's expected useful economic life to the Business , having due regard to the incidence of obsolescence and future requirements of the Business .
22 The Lothian Region ( Placing in Schools ) Appeal Committee is likely to meet on several occasions during late May and throughout June 1993 , to deal with appeals against refused placing requests for admission to primary and secondary schools for the session 1993/94 .
23 Pursuant to the provisions of the NHS Act 1977 and other enabling powers , the respective Secretary of State regulates on all aspects of financial control of health authorities .
24 The capital stands on both sides of a river , and has more than eighty thousand houses .
25 ever stands on both sides of him at once .
26 He also had the good judgement to concentrate on those cases in which his pea plants could be classified into one of two distinct classes , with no intermediates .
27 The title and format might lead the casual observer into expecting just another general text ; but closer inspection reveals that the book assumes some basic knowledge of the subject and then goes on to concentrate on those aspects of geology of most direct relevance to society — seismic and volcanic hazards , landslides , erosion , subsidence , groundwater , and so on .
28 We drew on these aspects in developing our recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study .
29 George Hann says that in the years he has known about the business he has been approached on many occasions by people who ‘ come over as being very convincing but who turned out not to be genuine .
30 From the early nineteenth century Japan had been approached on several occasions by Western nations active in Asian waters and anxious to initiate trading and other contacts .
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