Example sentences of "[verb] on [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The maximum flush permitted on new wcs in the UK was reduced from 9 litres to 7.5 litres from 1989 , and this is likely to be further reduced to 6 litres .
2 The David Cronenberg adaptation of William S Burroughs ' novel was seized after opening on four screens in the Greek capital of Athens .
3 The sausage-like sea cucumbers that sprawl on sandy patches in the reef are also echinoderms , which lie neither face-up nor face-down , but on their sides .
4 The research focusses on specific decisions in the areas of human resource management and technological investments in strategic enterprises closely matched between the UK and China .
5 An evening buffet was organised on 6th February in the Showroom at Elderslie by Steve Higgins , Field Sales Director , where many customers and colleagues gathered to wish him farewell .
6 Meanwhile some men were kept occupied on poor veins in the Keswick area .
7 As for ACR , a full discography will be appearing on this page in the next couple of weeks .
8 Now if you get these right , word for word you 'll be er , I do conditions of carriage quizzes on selling skills courses and the amount of people that get this right I can count on one hand in the last three years .
9 This rulemaking exercise will be undertaken by the preparatory Commission for the ISA and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea ( PREPCOM ) , which is due to meet on 15 March in Jamaica .
10 Wilson self-consciously capitalized on that supremacy in his ‘ First Hundred Days ’ of dynamic action , a deliberate imitation of the Kennedy style in early 1960 .
11 However , normal mass spectrometers are not sensitive enough to detect 14 C and to reject all other elements or molecules of very nearly the same weight , such as 14 N. As this nitrogen isotope makes up some 80 per cent of the atmosphere it is very common relative to 14 C. The techniques of nuclear physics were brought to bear on this problem in the late 1970s , and it was shown that 14 C could be detected using what is now referred to as accelerator mass spectrometry , AMS .
12 I intend to concentrate on two issues in the Queen 's Speech — the commitment to continue to prepare for the privatisation of the British Railways Board and the commitment to introduce a new council tax and to establish a review of local government structure in England .
13 He also had the good judgement to concentrate on those cases in which his pea plants could be classified into one of two distinct classes , with no intermediates .
14 At first TV drew on established reputations in the press ; later , the press wooed contributors from TV .
15 Marx , too , drew on comparative material in support of his theory of the inevitable march of history from primitive communism , through feudalism and capitalism , to the ultimate stage of post-revolutionary communism .
16 We drew on these aspects in developing our recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study .
17 It has successfully developed and operated a port at Sheerness in Kent and drew on this experience in deciding to develop a commercial port in the easternmost portion of the old dockyard .
18 Thus the major cyclic changes in Jurassic sedimentation ( and possibly even the changes of faunal and floral evolution ) have been blamed on eustatic changes in sea-level , and these in turn on epeirogenic movements on the ocean floor .
19 The profits fall was blamed on wet weather in the early part of year .
20 The Building Employers Confederation had a meeting with the Prime Minister , which was reported on 1 October in The Independent .
21 Shelling had been reported on both sides in early June and Azerbaijan claimed numerous Armenian attacks on Nakhichevan and the border regions .
22 Meanwhile thy various subcommittees reported on public expenditure in their fields .
23 Poetry is unique in its ability to comment on such things in a classroom .
24 Blamey was reluctant to comment on modern developments in art .
25 It transpired that he wanted to be able to comment on each question in more depth and indeed some staff did so on separate sheets .
26 Suffice to say that the young medic concerned must have wished he 'd picked on any person in the history of Equity rather than your hyper-ventilating authoress .
27 Often an introductory section mentions that the teacher may select and may concentrate on certain aspects in preference to others ; sometimes it gives an indication that regional variations in content may be acceptable in certain cases .
28 Collectors should concentrate on key characters in memorable movies . ’
29 Training after a main event should be much less dynamic and should concentrate on improving technique in preparation for the next competition .
30 It will now concentrate on retail lending in California and across the Pacific .
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