Example sentences of "[verb] with other [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Brains evolved the capacity to communicate with other brains by means of language and cultural traditions .
2 Level 1 is the first of a graded series of modules which develop the student 's ability to use the target language to communicate with other speakers of that language .
3 Some of it was mixed with other ingredients as a compost , some of it was used as pure money .
4 But because the environment of a gene consists , to such a salient degree , of other genes also being selected in the same gene pool , genes will be favoured if they are good at cooperating with other genes in the same gene pool .
5 " Psychoanalytic criticism can merge with other kinds of reading without supplanting them : it can underpin without undermining . "
6 At first it was included with other Shorthorns in the Coates herdbook from its inception in 1822 , but in 1896 the Lincoln became separate and established its own Lincoln Red herdbook .
7 She described seeing Julie soliciting with other girls near the White Swan public house known locally as the ‘ Mucky Duck ’ in Chapeltown , Leeds , on the evening she disappeared , July 9 , 1991 .
8 Second then , homophobia often intersects with other kinds of phobia and hatred : in this case , and rather economically , not only misogyny but also racism and xenophobia .
9 First , it interacts with other variables of interest to sociolinguists ; and second , it illustrates in a particularly acute form the ill-defined character of speaker variables in comparison with linguistic variables .
10 Our activities since we began include preparing information packs for advice centres and welfare rights workers , leafleting the DHSS offices so people know about the legislation , networking with other groups in Belfast , and other parts of Ireland , North and South and with groups in Britain , lobbying and generally trying to make this legislation unworkable .
11 This chapter explores the social service base for undertaking social work with elderly clients , and the need to work with other professionals in interdisciplinary co-operation from the beginning of many cases .
12 A window is a screen display stored in the computer which can be created , recalled , modified , scaled , repositioned and combined or overlapped with other windows by user messages .
13 One finding of our LFS analysis was that temporary workers often overlapped with other forms of " non-standard " worker — namely self-employed and part-time workers [ see Diagram 1 in Chapter 2 ] .
14 Before she left , the Princess Royal became the first signatory to the new Napier University Visitors Book and on her departure , one of Napier 's youngest ‘ students ’ , four-year-old Kirsty Hutton who had come with other children from Napier 's crèche to wave goodbye to the Princess , presented her with a posy .
15 The SPM had amalgamated with other groups of the Darod clan under the umbrella title of the Somali National Front ( SNF ) .
16 Finally the diminutive , bivalved ostracods are important and abundant fossils , which we will consider with other microfossils in Chapter 8 .
17 Regions of the POU domain that interact with other components of the transcriptional apparatus have been inferred from mutational analyses of Oct-1 and Oct-2 .
18 Recall and precision interact with other characteristics of indexes .
19 For a while she camped with other families in fields nearby .
20 Similarly , when G. P. Jones moves from noting the greater prominence of pronouns in Shakespeare compared with other Elizabethans to the statement that his sonnets have ‘ a substantial autobiographical element ’ , and that the ‘ fluctuation between thou and you ’ shows ‘ the poet 's uncertainty about his personal , social and professional connection with his patron is at its most acute ’ , then I feel that such speculations deflect attention from the real focus of interest , the pronouns as forms of relationship .
21 Our response was , ’ What about having more bands to take account of the difficulties that arise because of the differences in property prices in London compared with other parts of the country ? ’
22 Symphony also includes a Comms package for communicating with other computers via a modem .
23 One further dimension to such a system is the possibility of " networking " a number of micros This involves the interconnecting of micros which retain their full power as independent computers but gain the additional ability of communicating with other computers in the network and having access to common files The result is analogous to a minicomputer with a number of terminals but with the big difference that each of the micros has its own processing power instead of sharing that of the mini .
24 Attention should be drawn to the three Annual Reports of the Hazardous Waste Inspectorate ( now merged with other branches of the DoE to form Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution ) .
25 Here I want to point out — as I have done with other features in the feminist profile — how difficult it is to identify the linguistic correlates of competition and cooperation .
26 In the book , Marje admits she used to flirt with other men in the hope of inflaming Levy .
27 The first verbal report of Major Stirling on his recent operations shows that they have been imperfectly connected with other operations of Eighth Army .
28 She began to tease him , flirting with other men at the pub while he stood there , morose and silent .
29 What matters is the evidence , in many thousands of processes and objects , of constant human practice in this real dimension , necessarily overlapping and interacting with other kinds of practice but never simply reducible to them .
30 In some schools you will be asked to participate with other students in basic class work over a weekend ( as happens at the Bristol Old Vic drama school ) and in some you may find yourself being judged partly by senior students of the school who will be sitting with the faculty panel ( which is something that happens at Drama Centre ) .
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