Example sentences of "[verb] with [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She made a fuss of every boat that approached her and mixed with all bathers on the beach , allowing them to pet her , hold her tail , and ride on her back .
2 Mobutu resisted pressure from Western governments to enter into a power-sharing arrangement with Tshisekedi and attacked them for their " flagrant interference " ; he understood , he said , " that Western aid is mixed with all sorts of threats and blackmail " .
3 NoGGIN members mixed with many members of staff and friends of the University at this very special event .
4 Instead of more concrete , conjestion , pollution and unemployment , we are grappling with these issues at grass roots level .
5 If you tried to remember them all as just these equations , you 'd be very easily getting confused about which one was which and you 'll just get your head cluttered with all sorts of stuff and so that way something that you know , something you can bring it back to .
6 Iron and steel can also be primed with these materials for interior work , but for exterior work calcium plumbate primer is best .
7 Iron and steel can also be primed with these materials for interior work , but for exterior work calcium plumbate primer is best .
8 The males of species that are polygynous ( in which successful males may mate with many females during a single breeding season ) have larger antlers or teeth than the males of similar size from monogamous species , which do not fight so hard for mates .
9 There have been four attempts to grapple with these tensions through restructuring or internal reorganisation .
10 Plasma active and total renin and prorenin concentrations rose with both types of treatment but the ratio of active renin to prorenin concentration was higher with enalapril than hydrochlorothiazide .
11 I shall then describe conditions in the central gaol I visited , ending with some comments about the possibilities and prospects for change .
12 The streets were narrow , dirty and cobbled , and the gutters were clogged with all forms of evil-smelling filth .
13 Some species , like the satin bowerbird , construct avenue-shaped bowers , which are decorated with all sorts of items — snail shells , flowers , pebbles and an array of bits and pieces .
14 The Marxist book I reviewed with several others in The Criterion for October 1937 .
15 The surrounding volcanic cones are gently sloping with few gullies to the south , but increasingly steep and heavily gullied towards the north .
16 Aim to work with all departments during the next two years ;
17 It would work for national reconciliation " including those Cambodians who used to work with all categories of the Vietnamese aggressors " .
18 UI promises to work with all segments of the marketplace to move the technology forward quickly .
19 Unix International anticipates the technology will be standardised on every Unix desktop vendor 's system and available to software developers , and it promises to work with all segments of the marketplace to move the technology forward quickly .
20 The Buklod Centre was set up to work with these women through educational courses , seminars and meetings .
21 when the word has been overlapped with all members of the filter set , take those weak overlap indices with a frequency greater than a certain threshold ( this was set to 1 for the example below ) and append them to the strong overlap list .
22 It is likely that all those who choose to study electronic publishing interact with these systems in some way .
23 The paper concludes with some speculations about the history of the species which inevitably raises questions about relationships within the genus Nucella .
24 The chapter concludes with some examples of how insights gained from psychotherapy can be useful in social work practice .
25 The administration of these services is decentralised as far as possible to conform with these areas in more accessible mini-town halls .
26 I conclude with some remarks about various points of view in moral philosophy which bear on the claims of the attitude theory .
27 When the Council of Energy Ministers meets with those proposals before it , Opposition Members and the British coal industry would like to know what attitude Britain 's representatives will adopt .
28 The same exercise can be done with both legs in the air — but you do need excellent stomach control in order to do this .
29 So I can sympathise with those protesters outside the gate who say that new scientific knowledge must be applied for the benefit of all and not just those who commission and control it .
30 [ I ] t seems to me that we are moving more and more in the direction of an elective dictatorship , not the less objectionable in principle because it is inefficient in practice , and not the less tyrannical in its nature because the opposed parties , becoming more and more polarized in their attitudes , seek with some prospects of success to seize the new levers of power and use them alternately to reverse the direction taken by their immediate predecessors .
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