Example sentences of "[verb] you the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , so you do n't so told you the first year !
2 I told you the first Michele had it specially made .
3 Well I think there in , well they ca n't go together , told you the last time you was here , they ca n't go on holiday together .
4 ‘ You still believe I rejected you the first time , do n't you ? ’
5 But I can show you , I can show you the eighth floor and show you where the gang where is the eighth floor ?
6 Mr Coker was a forward-looking fellow : ‘ And now ’ , he said , ‘ let me show you the third class coach of the future .
7 onto the rail and offers you the last fruit ,
8 ( If it upset you the first time , please move on to the next paragraph . )
9 Next Sunday we shall be bringing you the last Ideas in Action programme before Christmas .
10 I have asked no one else , I have given you the first opportunity of owning these things . ’
11 so that when he sees you the next time , he 'll double check that .
12 Win the new Renault Clio We unveil a fantastic new six-part competition to win one of this year 's most exciting models , and give you the first plant posers that lead the way to £9,180-worth of gleaming new car !
13 Each stage of the operation is recorded on a tape machine and each operator reports the end of each stage to that machine and the machine will — providing all the agents on that scheme have also reported in — tell you the next stage . ’
14 ‘ I heard you the first time , boy . ’
15 ‘ I heard you the first time , ’ her mother said .
16 ‘ Yes , I heard you the first time .
17 ‘ I shall call you the next time we are free , and we will do the rest , Yes ? ’
18 What I 'll do is I 'll read you the first paragraph of rule six and actually bend the rule and put those words in and it really does n't make any sense at all , so listen carefully on this one and do n't be surprised if you do n't understand me .
19 The retailer should not sell you the first slice and the second cut should be of a bright , usually pink colour .
20 I said then all you have to do is tell her how much she hurt you the last time
21 And he said , it 's most unlike me , as you probably know , but he said I could n't tell you the last time I had time off work , but he said , I have n't been into the office since th cos I 've been feeling really bad !
22 Absolutely they 're reading it with you so they 're with you so you 're you 're holding their interest even though you 're not actually saying anything , yeah , and again you may you may have noticed well another thing is once you 've once you 're written put the pen down and the easiest thing in the world to have a but if you want to make a point and you probably noticed once I once I put the red lines around the red boxes round there and I gave you the first demonstration of the Aldershot method I stood here okay .
23 gave you the last laugh .
24 ‘ The map I gave you the last time . ’
25 Giles Hawick was not the sort of man you could flatten easily , and if you managed it , he would not pop up , bright , smiling and bearing no grudge , to face you the next ti me .
26 ‘ Something was bothering you the first time we met , and you kept quiet about that , too .
27 ‘ I 'm going to make you the next Madonna . ’
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