Example sentences of "[verb] you [adv prt] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once you have let anybody in they 'd chop you up and put you in their next stew
2 So it was it was up to Mum to make you nice and tidy and smart , like they always used to look after you , and send you down and say , Do n't come back without it .
3 If you stare at a Rottweiler it thinks you are challenging it and goes for you immediately , knocking you down and tearing your throat out .
4 Never vary from the routine , and always you have a subconscious life-line to pull you through when dealing with difficult clients .
5 You do not feel inhibited because you have n't prepared adequately or fear that other people might catch you out or ridicule you .
6 He rings you up and goes he goes hello it 's Jonathan and you go oh right hello Jonathan and he does n't say anything so you talk to him for about half an hour or so and then you go alright Jonathan , better go , you know and then he goes no no I 've got something to tell you and you go oh alright what is it then and he goes I ca n't remember it man , just talk to me for a bit longer and I 'll remember it then and it goes on like that for hours and hours and it 's so boring .
7 I mean if somebody rings you up and says How much will it cost ? if it 's er a sort of full removal you 're doing , you say Well are you packing or are n't you ?
8 And that should inform your thinking when somebody rings you up and says , ‘ My editor tells me that this happened .
9 ‘ Why did n't they tie you up or guard you or something ? ’
10 ‘ I did n't expect to find you up and dressed … ’
11 If they suss out that you 're a fanatical prospector they 'll have a great time winding you up and sending you off on a series of wild goose chases .
12 But be prepared for Mother wanting to get rid of you , put you out or hide you , in some way .
13 ‘ He does n't beat you up or rape you , does he ? ’ asked Tim .
14 ‘ I 'm trying to control a wild urge to pick you up and carry you to my bedroom . ’
15 Do not forget that you live alone and there may not be anyone there to pick you up or ring for the doctor if you break a leg or a hip .
16 It 's rocking , it 's adventurous and it 's got a wicked hookline that goes : ‘ Break you down and get your head to the groove ’ , a perfect piece of advice .
17 One of the ways she visualized life was as a swirling , unpredictable tide of confusion which swept you along helpless , bumping against rocks , trying to snatch at branches , bits of wreckage , anything that might help to keep you afloat for , if you did n't watch out , the waters would suck you down and close over your head .
18 ‘ When you fell in the fountain , when I lifted you out and looked into those fiery green eyes , heard the shaky defiance in your voice , then — then I was lost . ’
19 For a great many people , Europe is fine for business and fine for holidays because the sun shines and the booze is cheap , but Germans are still chaps whom we beat in wars , and the French still let you down and think only of themselves .
20 So he kicks you out and settles down to a nine-months ' bender .
21 I 've a mind to come down there , bring you in and dip both of your heads in a bucket of water ! ’
22 He 'd knock you about and swear at you and everything , but , you know , he makes you feel sort of more at home . ’
23 pick you up and meet you one evening .
24 He 'd eat you up and spit you out . ’
25 Come on now , Miss Julie , sit you down and have a glass .
26 oh , oh , the thing is okay , did it , did erm , did , Daniel just suddenly like asked you out or did someone got you together ?
27 But dip in your toe and all at once , the waves are wild unleashed dangerous passion to sweep you off your feet , drag you around and duck you and go half-way to drown you then toss you above the tide line .
28 Never mind the boring breakbeat rubbish going around , this is the real story , which trips you up and hoses you down in a shower of sparkling special effects .
29 If you live up on the Leys [ a local housing estate ] then you have to fight or else people piss you about and think you 're a bit soft or something …
30 ‘ And they have been in touch , indicated their interest in pulling you out and requesting more information as to your whereabouts . ’
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