Example sentences of "[verb] you have [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 You bolt on the tail and wings you 've been towing behind on a trailer , flip a couple of switches on the dashboard , and then find a strip of flat land to take off from .
2 " I expect you 've been watching those " Bleakland " programmes , have n't you , Grandmother ? "
3 If they can realise and appreciate the demands made on you by your husband 's incapacity they should reconsider the level of minding you have been doing .
4 ‘ I got a bit worried when I found you 'd been sending your subordinates out to buy crucifixes . ’
5 Imagine you had been living on bread and water for three years and then someone put a large bowl of cherries on the table in front of you .
6 I said , Oh do n't bother I always I always get people ringing up saying so and so 's mother or father says or someone says you 've been teaching them and can you take me or can you take my son or daughter and it always works like that .
7 ‘ Your brother says you 've been pushing yourself too hard , trying to finish your degree when you should have been resting . ’
8 ‘ Mary says you have been helping to feed the sheep . ’
9 I hope you have been receiving mail from me .
10 ‘ Ever since we met you 've been acting quite out of character . ’
11 After a moment he said , ‘ What do you think you 've been watching , these weeks ? ’
12 That would have made an impression at a literary party , but the old trout just replied , ‘ Silly boy , I do n't think you 've been listening to a word I said ! ’
13 ‘ You 're trying to make them think you 've been coming in to see me ?
14 ‘ So you still deny you 've been sleeping with Garry ? ’
15 ‘ You mean you 've been investigating them ? ’
16 I think , I think the other thing is as well though is that when you , I mean you 've been sitting pensions cos I mean I had the P H I which I thought it was easier to actually describe erm but erm it 's easy for us to actually sit back and , and go back on everything that everyth er everybody else did wrong is n't it , so
17 ‘ You mean you 've been talking about — what was she called ? — Inez — the mother of Matthew 's children ? ’
18 You mean she thinks you 've been spying for me !
19 If the taxman thinks you 've been cheating , he 'll look at all your affairs with extra care and may check back on tax returns for previous years .
20 Have you not read novels , been to the cinema and watched the hero and heroine embracing and realized you have been missing a great deal ?
21 ‘ I trust you 've been rehearsing at home . ’
22 I 'd thought you 'd been getting exercise in .
23 Ca n't believe you 've been watching all this television .
24 Even after what I just learned I could n't believe you 've been lying to me since we met — that I was coming back to ask you — ’
25 Now I want you to imagine you have been digging up the garden , ready for planting .
26 Before you start trying to watch home movies on your PC , remember that although Microsoft is kind enough to include a very basic multi media player and recorder ( both illustrated ) as part of the standard Windows desktop , in order to go some way towards true multi media you need a few more things : a windows multi media extension , a CD-ROM drive , a sound card and probably a new monitor , not to mention that faster machine you 've been promising yourself .
27 you 've been told you 've been training people ai n't you ?
28 I know you 've been seeing my Josephine and I 've heard you brag about it , you cocky little bastard .
29 ‘ You know you 've been wanting to meet someone of your own age . ’
30 Ooh I know you 've been licking it .
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