Example sentences of "[verb] you be in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Take your hat off , you silly bugger , ’ he yelled across the pews , ‘ do n't you know you 're in the 'ouse of God ? ’
2 I mean , you 'd never know you were in a box , would you ?
3 ‘ I did n't know you were in the hotel ’
4 I do n't doubt you 're in a rare hunger , miss .
5 ‘ I realise you 're in a very difficult position .
6 because you 've past it so it that 's it , so , when you were here , when you , when you , say you 're in the ship ,
7 ‘ It 's just that we have to see the hearth if we 're to know you 're in an old farmhouse .
8 The second step is controlling the actual physical effects on you of all the adrenaline which is produced when you sense you are in a threatening situation .
9 Relax deeply , then imagine you are in a landscape or townscape of some kind .
10 Relax deeply , then imagine you are in a grassy clearing in a forest .
11 Relax deeply , then imagine you are in a lush , green meadow .
12 I think that it 's not just the policy , I think it 's the whole of society 's attitudes , because children learn what they are by how people see them , and if they 're in a society that says you 're in an unusual situation , if you 're not with two parents then somehow your situation is n't right and we condemn it !
13 ‘ If you do n't feel you 're in the event , you keep taking gambles .
14 He looked at her with his blue eyes that made you feel you were in the far distance and he was bringing you into focus gradually , like a ball magnetised to drop into his outstretched hand , be clasped by his fingers .
15 You 'll think you 're in a palace . ’
16 I do n't think you 're in the least manipulative . ’
17 I think the answer to that is , I do n't think you 're in the right job
18 So you do n't want you 're in the morning ?
19 Especially I mean you 're in the nearside And you 've got limiters fitted now have you all of you ?
20 I mean you 're in the middle of a country
21 I 'll grant you were in a bad state , which was hardly surprising after all the business with losing your part and then Lesley-Jane going off with Micky — incidentally , there was less in that than you thought , but that 's by the way .
22 Things will seem far worse than they actually are for a few days — but once the drama dies down you 'll see you 're in a fine position after all .
23 But it is for you already , any fool can see you 're in no shape to continue .
24 I can see you 're in the lead .
25 And then suddenly , its rhythm catches you and takes over , and you know you are in the presence of a deliberate art that seems completely right and natural .
26 She started off as a journalist , and when reading her on the nauseating cult of Elizabeth David , you know you are in the hands of a mistress of rhetoric .
27 From the moment John Labanowski opens his mouth and starts his one-man show you know you are in the presence of a great comedy spirit .
28 You know you 're in a position where everything 's hunkydory and all of a sudden you 're in a a bank of fog .
29 Or you know you 're in a meeting and the chairman what 's your opinion John on this where you what do you think about this ?
30 You know you 're in the right place when the attitude of the locals subtly changes ; as you drive past country kids coming home from school in crisply-pressed uniforms , they shout ‘ white man ’ ! and grin at you .
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