Example sentences of "[verb] you [verb] i [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I expect you think I 'm a bit forward , ’ remarked Zach .
2 She said quickly , ‘ I expect you think I 'm mad .
3 ‘ Here , what d' you think I am ?
4 ‘ I ai n't gettin' out while you 're here , what d' you think I am ? ’
5 D' you think I 'm so stupid I 'd glue this thing to my head on purpose ? ’
6 D' you think I 'm an idiot ? ’
7 D' you think I 'm stupid or something ? "
8 D' you think I 'm stupid or something ?
9 D' you think I 'm well off , is that why I live in this flat , on this estate where no one talks to you because they 're afraid and people like you can come bursting in any hour of the day or night because the place is so badly built the locks do n't fit the doors anyway .
10 ‘ Why d' you think I 'm in Washington ?
11 ‘ What d' you think I 'm going to do , drag you behind a hanging basket and rip your knickers off ? ’
12 ‘ Of course I 've got a minute — what the bloody hell d' you think I 'm doing here at this time of night ? ’
13 And if you 're a er golfer er you might go to the professional and say you know I 'm miss I 'm hooking , you know , can you show me how I ca n't do this ?
14 ‘ I want you to know I am not jealous of your presence in the palazzo , ’ she said .
15 Afterwards he met Marjorie at the stage door and said , ‘ I want you to know I 'm well pleased with your work .
16 But I want you to know I 'm going to hate every second of having you with me . ’
17 And if you 're struggling my job is to help you overcome those struggles and I I want you to consider I 'm here er as a service to you .
18 They do it for to keep him going and then they 'll say he says you know I 'm used to getting up at half four and going so many miles every morning for a big jog .
19 ‘ I hope you appreciate I 'm burning the midnight oil to ring you tonight , ’ Lucy 's voice persisted from its far-off country , ‘ And all I 'm getting is monosyllables for my trouble !
20 But like er , she took it sch to school and Scott was giving us a lift to school so did n't have to walk and she 's in the car and she 's going if this gets if this gets all smashed up Scott I hope you realise I 'm blaming you !
21 yes , I thought I 'd just nip in , let you know I 'm still alive
22 From the description and sketch you drew I 'm sure you 've seen Link Stakes .
23 I do n't want you thinking I 'm chasing him . ’
24 ‘ Do n't want you to think I 'm just angling for extra fare . ’
25 I 'll have to risk you thinking I 'm prudish … and … . ’
26 ‘ You mean you think I 'm good enough ? ’ she asked tentatively .
27 ‘ You mean you think I 'm out to cheat you ?
28 He says , the wicked are like the tossing sea , and you know , as far the bible is concerned , the wicked is not necessarily the man or the woman who does terrible deeds , the wicked is not necessarily who is , who is a murderer , or a child molesterer , or a thief or or or a wife beater or something like that , the wicked is the person who rejects God , who turns their back on God , who says thank you , I can go through my life without , I do n't need you , I do n't even believe you exist , and even if I do believe you exist I 'm gon na do things my way , I 'm gon na go through life as I choose .
29 Fine you know I 'm not , you old goat , thought Bobby .
30 I 'm sorry , I know you think I 'm old-fashioned , but I ca n't bear the thought of you not marrying in church — not having God 's blessing upon the pair of you . ’
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