Example sentences of "[verb] that he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Newbon disclosed that he told his former managing director a couple of years ago : ‘ I could get Oxford United very cheaply , ’ — but his boss was n't interested .
2 If not , I suggest that he withdraws his reference to AMMA .
3 She could ring Jamie and suggest that he write something for it .
4 Friends of Eliot suggest that he confronted his old friend with the news a day or two before the marriage .
5 ‘ You did n't know that he acquired them through his wife who must have got them while she was housekeeper-companion to Mrs Armitage ? ’
6 There was a trace of a Dorset accent in the voice , which had sufficient gravity in its tone to let D'Arcy know that he took himself and his position with the utmost seriousness .
7 We did n't go to the funeral , but me cousin Dora who was Aunt Lucy 's daughter , she got there was er Walter , , Walter and Leonard were in a pram and me cousin Dora went down Lane and wh to the corner of Street and watched the funeral go past up to I 've got vague memories of that they 're not clear but I do know that he took us to watch me dad 's funeral past the corner of Street and I presume that now that it must have gone up Street up to Street street , cos he 's buried at Ryecroft .
8 But first she must know that he loved her .
9 ‘ I do n't know that he wanted it .
10 The House will know that he changed his allegation between his first and third questions .
11 ‘ But you were Mr Russell 's only child , my dear , and you must not doubt that he loved you , even if he did n't always make it perfectly apparent . ’
12 Shouted that he knew I was inside .
13 For example one woman set fire to her kitchen accidentally and the carer , her neighbour , realised that it would not be safe for her to remain at home ; another carer , a husband , found himself becoming so stressed that he struck his wife ; he then requested institutional care .
14 It was vaguely insulting to know that he treated her as casually as he would have treated any stranger with whom he found himself forced to share a house .
15 She did n't want to feel this attraction , and did n't want to know that he felt it too .
16 He had forgotten that he held it in his hand .
17 No , I do n't , and I get very cross when people say that he wasted his talent .
18 ‘ They say that he said he would never come again .
19 I overheard him say that he lost his desire , lost his drive and everything .
20 Several times he almost stopped himself , but it felt so good to be unburdened that he let his tongue defy his better judgement .
21 The farmers ' wives indulged him in the harshness of his religious practices , never minding that he brought his own delph and cutlery and would eat only boiled eggs and bread .
22 ‘ Fired — dismissed , ’ she offered a couple of alternatives — only to find that he found her first offering of more interest .
23 They found that he knew what he wanted ; that he was persuasive in trying to get it ; that what he wanted was good ; and they suddenly realized that this new young professor dragged them into the twentieth century .
24 ‘ I 've got an overnight bag packed , but before we go — ’ she took a hold on herself to begin , then found that he had something he wanted to say too — and that he did n't mind cutting across what she was saying , to say it .
25 He found that he liked it .
26 Having loved Martha from the bottom of his heart , Sam now found that he loved his daughter every bit as much , and could hardly tear himself away from the cradle , where he would spend hours gazing at the fruit and blessing of the union .
27 She found that he revolted her .
28 He was in a small home reserved for ‘ difficult ’ juveniles , where the matron in charge reported that he wet his bed on occasion and had bad dreams but showed no other signs of disturbance .
29 And he has realised that he had nothing to lose even if I am spying for Carlotta .
30 He also realized that he had himself unwittingly carried the disease from one midwifery patient to another .
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