Example sentences of "[verb] that there was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Wilkins 's survival as warden of Wadham , his move to the mastership of Trinity College Cambridge in 1659 , his becoming bishop of Chester in 1668 , and his appointment as Lent preacher to the king suggest that there was nothing particularly hazardous in being England 's most conspicuous Copernican .
2 But Dalgliesh had n't needed his private source of department gossip to know that there was nothing of this limp subservience about Paul Berowne .
3 PC Fraser said Sutherland had added that there was nobody inside .
4 I put it back in the trunk , disappointed that there was nothing right for me to wear and wondering what I was going to do , for I wanted to go out with Sally .
5 Ibsen 's Peer Gynt compared his quest for identity to the process of peeling layers off an onion ; but after shedding all the ‘ false selves ’ , he found that there was nothing inside , no ‘ core ’ .
6 The bitter stench mingled with the odour of putrescent flesh and he almost retched again but found that there was nothing left to bring up .
7 and one boy chose to write about plumbing and do you know , he found that there was nothing written down about plumbing in the early nineteen seventies there were one or two plumbing text books , they were very expensive and you could only get them through The Institute of Plumbers plumbing is something that until about nineteen seventy five was passed from father to son or uncle to nephew it was a sort of secret craft you know , you can
8 He had ignored everything she had said previously to indicate that there was nothing between her and Florian , so why should tonight be any different ?
9 He wrote in the Times : ‘ Last night in Sheffield , image throttled intellect and a quiet voice in every reporter present whispered that there was something disgusting about the occasion .
10 As far as I was concerned , reading was an automatic skill rather than an indication of superior intelligence or understanding , and no one but myself seemed to have noticed the difference , or even realised that there was one .
11 You would not think from the way Lavinia lived that there was anything at all ! ’
12 And the peedie fairy was just delighted to start with but soon realized that there was something kind of fishy going on and it was n't a very happy place .
13 Then he remembered the copy of Ruggiero 's letter , and realized that there was something he could do after all .
14 But as his eyes travelled across to Elinor 's crowd , with their frizzy haloes of hair , their flowered dresses and carefully arranged profiles , he realized that there was nothing he could think of to say that would persuade them he was anything other than a boring little man .
15 The operator , surly in her attitude , did n't inform Duncan that they had answered , and it was a moment before he realized that there was someone on the line .
16 ‘ I did think that there was something between her and Peter Yeo — her partner — but nothing came of it .
17 ‘ thought that , following your direction , the jury might think that there was something in the statement which the defence wanted to hide , using the cloak of privilege .
18 She did n't think that there was anything broken … but no thanks to Johnny , she thought bitterly .
19 She wanted her daughter to be a marchioness , maintaining that there was nothing wrong with Virginia which marriage would n't cure .
20 It was ridiculous to pretend that there was anything immoral about the cinema .
21 Under Rachel 's serene autocracy the firemen agreed that there was nothing much to be done now , that the house seemed safe enough but they should not use the attic until someone ‘ from the department ’ had been and inspected it the next day .
22 I did n't want to accept defeat , to acknowledge that there was nothing I — nor anyone else — could do to help , ’ Ace replied , and it silenced her for a moment , as perhaps it was meant to do .
23 Just to confirm that there was something there basically
24 However , when there had been some difficulty in getting the bidding started , the seller announced that there was nothing wrong with the heifer and he would absolutely guarantee her .
25 Linnaeus admitted that there was something artificial about this procedure , and hoped that in the course of ages a really natural system would be worked out .
26 ‘ He admitted that there was someone else , but he would n't give me any details .
27 Possessed by that hunger , it had still sensed that there was something different about the female .
28 Riley swore and Linley drawled that there was nothing to get upset about , because Harbury had himself cleared the way for the man Riley wanted appointed .
29 Realising that there was nothing more she could get out of him , Folly signed mechanically , and the man gave an exaggerated sigh of relief .
30 The United Kingdom argued that there was nothing in the manner of its introduction , or in the fact that it affected the Anglo-Spanish vessels , that made the Act of 1988 incompatible with Community law .
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