Example sentences of "[verb] that she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Never mind , ’ called McAllister , ‘ needs must … ’ and wobbled down Vetch Street , praying that she arrived at her destination in one piece , the balance of the wretched thing being all wrong , especially with the overloaded basket at the front .
2 Did you know that she dealt in stolen goods , arranged thefts and then fenced the goods , did you know she arranged insurance for many of the smaller shopkeepers — her kind of insurance ?
3 So he 'll be glad to know that she thought about him and wanted him to know it . ’
4 Fabia saw no point in butting in to comment that she had in fact come very close to doing that very thing , and after a few moments ' pause Ven went on , ‘ I knew I 'd bruised your pride , but that had been necessary when my desire for you had threatened to blot out reason .
5 She was disconcerted to find that she walked into what was the main bedroom , dominated by a four-poster bed already turned down for the night .
6 He was somewhat consoled to find that she seemed to be genuinely interested .
7 Theda came to herself to find that she lay in a large four-poster bed , with the curtains drawn back , and the weak autumn sun coming in at the windows .
8 Going to Libya in 1988 , Jousiffe — her name is English , possibly of French origin and not Middle Eastern in spite of its sound — found that she suffered from the negative influence she had absorbed and thought : ‘ I wo n't enjoy this .
9 Some years later , when her health and strength failed her , she found that she had to ; but when that day came , she packed her courage as well as her clothes into her suitcase .
10 They all agreed that she fell off the bridge .
11 And there was scarcely a shirt to be found that did not have the high necks and ruffles that she favoured in the early days .
12 Then her anger erupted , her hand flashed upwards and she had delivered a stinging slap to his left cheek before she even realised that she intended to .
13 What 'll her experience that she had in New Zealand ?
14 And there was a lady in the , in his congregation he preached to masses , to thousands and thousands of people , and she came to him , she was , she was annoyed , she was a rather er , well-to-do lady , and she was offended at this this preaching that she had to be born again , and that people had to have this new birth experience .
15 The baby was born on July 28th , 1981 , and it was immediately diagnosed that she suffered from Down 's Syndrome and also from a duodenal obstruction .
16 She sought his mouth again , wrapping her arms around his neck , offering and receiving a kiss so fierce , impatient and demanding that she clung to him and she lost her balance , fell against him , felt him gather her up against the inflammatory hardness of his body and lift her on to the bed .
17 The Irish star , who as a child was battered by her mother , revealed that she went to a psychiatrist to sort out her problems .
18 Buzz sensed that she had to be careful , she had to box clever , she had to let Adam think she had accepted what he said and would go quietly .
19 Referring to her disgraced son-in-law as ‘ Mr Mellor ’ , she added that she knew of his decision to resign ‘ some time ago ’ .
20 When pressed to give her views on Fatima , the daughter of the prophet Mohamad ( whose birthday is Women 's Day in Iran ) she praised Fatima but added that she belonged to 14 centuries ago .
21 However , there are both practical and legal problems in cases where the woman says that she consented through fear only : she did not resist , because she thought that it would be hopeless in the circumstances , she was terrified , or she feared serious violence .
22 She says that she screamed for help — another two minutes and the twins would have died because of all the smoke and flames .
23 Also , people have been saying to me , ‘ My brother 's girlfriend 's aunt says that she spoke to someone who saw you on ‘ News at Ten ’ the other day ! ’
24 ‘ It is n't very gallant of me to say so , ’ he added , softly kissing her fingertips , ‘ but the fact is , Marissa had decided that she wanted to be the second Mrs Wyndham — while I , my darling , was only interested in the first . ’
25 But her cause was badly damaged in 1985 , the day before she was to sit next to the Prince of Wales at a dinner in Florida , when it was revealed that she posed as a nude model in magazines and appeared in pornographic films in the late 1960s .
26 But he did not feel that she looked upon their amorous exchanges as more than innocent dalliance .
27 Nor to be reminded of their smouldering resentments against this girl of their of age who was so ‘ lady-like ’ and ‘ nose-in-the-air ’ so that they might feel that she needed to be brought down a peg or two .
28 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
29 Rose , for her part , thought that McAllister talked funny , and when Sally-Anne had told her that she came from the United States of America she had stared at her as though she had said that she came from the moon .
30 Presumably , since it is said that she lived to 127 , her sixties would be equivalent to our thirties or forties .
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