Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] be for " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know that it 's for or against that he dotes on his wife .
2 Little did they know that it was for the pocket of Mr S. Caplan .
3 Iraq denied that the cylinders were part of a gun and maintained that they were for use in the petrochemical industry .
4 If you need to use that facility , and I emphasize that it is for emergency use only , your contact at Voice of America is Felix Klamin . ’
5 It had taken a week to obtain , and had Hapsburg officialdom realized that it was for him rather than Aranyos it would have been unlikely to arrive before the end of the war .
6 I know Sibelius is in many ways a very different composer from Bruckner , but I remember you suggesting that there are for you affinities between them .
7 We may thus argue that /a/ functions for women as a network marker to a greater extent than it does for men ; by this we mean that there is for them a higher correlation between choice of variant and network structure , a tendency to select relatively backed variants being associated with higher levels of integration into the community .
8 International law recognised that it was for each state to determine the conditions upon which it granted its nationality to ships , subject to there being a genuine link between the flag state and the vessel .
9 I can also confirm that it is for the TAVRAs and for the local people to determine the most appropriate location for the individual company headquarters .
10 ‘ I do n't think Simone would have mentioned it if she had n't felt that it was for your own good , ’ he murmured .
11 Lord Justice Browne-Wilkinson said that it is now apparently accepted that it is for the courts to decide whether a privilege exists and for the House of Commons to decide whether such privilege has been infringed .
12 Although in the past the courts and the House of Commons both claimed the exclusive right to determine whether or not a privilege existed , it is now apparently accepted that it is for the courts to decide whether a privilege exists and for the House to decide whether such privilege has been infringed : see Erskine May on Parliamentary Practice , 21st ed. ( 1989 ) , pp. 147–160 .
13 When that matter was put to the Home Office and the Department of the Environment , we were told that it was for the local authority to sort out the matter with the local police force .
14 When I rang your bank to query this , I was told that it was for supplying information and bank statements to District Audit and that you were going to apply this to all Parish Council accounts .
15 We 've got this far , Culley thought , so I 'm going to assume that you 're for sale .
16 It has been noted that it was for the same crimes that Klaus Barbie was sentenced by the courts in Lyon to life imprisonment .
17 Please send contributions direct to the office at Epsom , clearly stating that they are for this fund .
18 If the person taking the blood sample is asked for what purpose it is being taken and replies that it is for an HIV antibody test , a person who does not wish an HIV antibody test to be done should expressly say so , and should also ask for this refusal to be entered in their medical records .
19 A UK Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded on the same day by saying that it was for Iran to make the first gesture and that the UK would " not accept Iranian intervention in [ its ] internal affairs " .
20 The Palestinian group refrained from approving the US plan , saying that it was for the PLO to do so .
21 Thus , a lease for less than three years may be validly created on an informal basis , provided that it is for a market , as opposed to a " peppercorn " , rent .
22 The steward is said to have issued the boys with a receipt , made out for £5 and indicating that it was for the journey from Stonehouse to Gloucester .
23 Cigarettes were placed on the table in front of you which meant that they were for everybody .
24 Perhaps just because she was Bob 's fiancée — but Tessa felt that it was for herself as well .
25 Surrounded as I was by supremely negative images of homosexuality such as ‘ the man in the dirty mac living out a lonely old age in a filthy garret ’ , I still felt that there was for me a clear choice between expressing or repressing my homosexual desire .
26 I decided to decide that it was for the best .
27 But now , after his near miss with Hoomey , Nails remembered that he was for the long drop next time — no more cautions .
28 The NRA had to put booms across the Dee at the iron bridge on the Grosvenor Estate to try to contain the fuel , to which a red dye had been added to denote that it was for use in farm vehicles only .
29 But Caspar , belatedly gallant , said that it was for him to lead the way .
30 But I just said that it was for the Welsh Office cos I thought if er they knew it was for a Authority you know ?
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