Example sentences of "[verb] that [pron] [vb base] you " in BNC.

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1 That 's , that 's Now when you 've got an A squared minus B squared , you can factorize that I mean you could just do that on your calculator , and do it in one go , but it 's quite easy to do it as three point O one .
2 ‘ Do n't ever doubt that I want you , Isabel , ’ he said , his voice so hoarse that the words sounded as if they were torn from deep inside him .
3 ‘ Have you forgotten that I know you were involved with him six years ago ?
4 I 'd forgotten that I pay you a salary !
5 I think I speak for everybody and say that we wish you well in this project .
6 Q : When you say that I think you 're laughing at me .
7 ‘ I am honoured that you feel you can talk so freely in my presence , Chieh Hsia . ’
8 You were standing by the boat , demanding that I let you on board , and I felt such a raw , aching need lance through me that it shocked me .
9 One in 10 of you bravely admitted that you wish you 'd married a different man , but your main concern is still to try and make things work .
10 And so that I hope that I hope you find that interesting .
11 I ca n't do that I tell you , I mean I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong it 's just that I was the last one back up and I got up there , still got a little bit of to do and they got more than they did
12 Not if you 're gon na do that I want you covered up before you sit on my knee .
13 so it 's not exactly like you 're trying to put you know you 're trying to put a right hand onto a left hand , but it , it 's a certain element of that , erm having said that what do you think ?
14 If you read that we need you to phone into that lady and it 's Vivienne .
15 I do n't want anyone to suspect that I favour you over your sisters , which is something they already fear because of our business connection . ’
16 Ca n't you understand that I hate you ? ’
17 So you 're all agreed that I want you to pack up at half past ten ?
18 ‘ I know that you say you can not .
19 I feel that our love has grown stronger , and I know that I miss you , darling , even more than before , for I really need you , as I expect you divined long ago .
20 You know that I love you and am nothing without you .
21 ‘ Do n't treat me as a child ! ’ she cried scornfully , ‘ You know that I love you , and that 's why I 'm being packed off . ’
22 ‘ I know that I owe you both an explanation and an apology , ’ she said slowly .
23 I only know that I want you — all of you .
24 ‘ You know that I want you , ’ she said steady , still not looking at him ‘ And I know that you … you need me .
25 " Remember that I love you , " Philip whispers when we are nearly oh .
26 ‘ Well , you remember that I want you in by one at the latest . ’
27 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
28 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
29 ‘ I 'm saying that I think you do n't care about the stupidities of convention .
30 There seems no point in saying that I love you in spite of everything because that only seems to irritate you for reasons best known to yourself and which you choose neither to explain nor comment on .
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