Example sentences of "[verb] that [det] is [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It is generally supposed that this is because he is on his death-bed , and his gift of making conversation has already ebbed away .
2 He is clearly disappointed with the low take-up of the early release programme in the US , but understands that this is because customers already have their hands full coping with downsizing .
3 It is reasonable to assume that this is because the stereotype of the educated Jamaican Standard speaker is one that is familiar to children of Caribbean background but is not generally recognised in the white community .
4 Explanations from refiners would suggest that this is because the Supreme Court has confidence in the Diet , regards the legislature as the main expression of popular sovereignty , and that the Japanese tradition is to settle disputes by negotiation which , in the case of controversial legislation , is adequately done in the Diet .
5 One might surmise that this is because they represent elemental features from which all other structures are compounded and so constitute basic units of mental processing from which all learning proceeds .
6 We assume that this is because it has not known what role to play .
7 I believe that this is because they do everything so well that they do not get excessive pitching movements in their training stall recoveries .
8 They assert that this is because women 's position is determined by the position of the family in which they live , and that this is determined by that of the male breadwinner .
9 The ergonomics approach to their use is shown in Fig. 2.4 but it must be admitted that this is as yet rarely followed in practice .
10 Allen Wood explains that this is because a fellow amateur had ended up in trouble after being written up last year in the New York Times .
11 example An essay pointing out that Shakespeare 's first sonnet ends with a comma in the first printed edition and arguing that this is because it is the first part of a larger poem including also the second sonnet .
12 Dr K. Satyanarayana , an expert on Indian medical journals , argues that this is because journals contain little of practical use and interest for the general practitioners .
13 Some would say that that is because of the recession , but we are in a slump rather than a recession .
14 Beattie suggests that this is because much of the semantic planning for this phase has been carried out during the preceding hesitant phase .
15 It might be countered that that is because the Oxbridge graduate has more to offer in social ‘ maturity ’ , in interpersonal skills , in self-confidence , and in being articulate .
16 Leftist critics have suggested that this is because any consideration of the socio-economic context of crime would have proved an embarrassment to the classical position .
17 Some Tories would argue that this is because the successors to Mrs Thatcher 's clear-cut brand of Conservatism have moved towards the soft centre and have floundered in the quicksands of consensus .
18 Explain that this is because ice takes up more space than the water that froze to make it .
19 Some time ago , Matza and Sykes ( 1961 ) suggested that this is because among ‘ respectable ’ people criminal motivations exist at the ‘ subterranean ’ level and only surface on special , licensing situations such as the business man 's night on the town , carnivals , office parties , student rags , and so on .
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