Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] think [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've never measured how long they stay under water , but tourists walking along the path to the waterfall often report that they think a bird is drowning !
2 Emily felt hurt and betrayed by a close friend who had borrowed a considerable sum of money towards down-payment on a house and then , when Emily eventually enquired about repayment , angrily claimed that she thought the money had been a gift .
3 I merely say that I think the question might be expected to interest your readers , but I am by no means confident that they will care much about the matter .
4 The uncertainty was fuelled further when Larne boss Gary Irwin admitted that he thought the goal had been disallowed for a foul on goalkeeper Graeme McConnell .
5 In a private conversation with Salas Pombo after the National Council speech , Franco admitted that he thought the Falangist ideology outmoded .
6 Rachel 's former fiance revealed that he thinks the health-conscious Vogue model was duped into taking the drug at the bash at Wavertree Recreation Club in Liverpool .
7 Some of them added that they thought the TBC paid too little attention to the speeches of politicians : this was to be a frequent complaint .
8 His writings , particularly his Homilies on Ezechiel , composed while he was pope , show that he thought the contemplative life of monks would be best validated if it bore fruit in action .
9 He nodded agreement , muttered that he thought a grand finale would be her kind of thing , better to wrap it up in style , he said , echoing Ivan .
10 Erm having said that I think the novel is al is a spiritual journey erm not only Jane 's , I should say , but also Rocheter Rochester 's .
11 And it 's a difficult topic to raise with those concerned — how do you voice objections without implying that you think the man is a child molester ?
12 Constanza seemed all right , and I could see that he thought the world of her .
13 A resounding yes from all but Kat , who contrarily stated that she thought the direct , uncensored attack of rap is beautiful and even quoted NWA as an example of this .
14 The head of Northend claimed that he thought the self-appraisal to be the most important aspect of the exercise for the school .
15 Dexter guessed that she thought the same as him but was keen to learn as much as she could from Blufton about Nicola and her motives for giving these ‘ facts ’ to the chairman of TVL .
16 Two days later , Coningham replied that he thought the irregular treatment of the Broad Sanctuary houses stemmed from ‘ no other motive than the architect 's wish for the picturesque ’ .
17 ‘ I would suggest that you think a bit more carefully before you decide to commit yourself to another long-term relationship . ’
18 Use a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 would mean that you think virtually no accidents occur at the junction and 7 would indicate that you think a large number of accidents occur at the junction . ’
19 Yes , I 've got yeah I know they did , but I think after a while they stopped doing that I think the latest ones you 'll find do n't , do n't do that , they gave , you know , after a while they gave that up , but I , I must check on that , I must check on .
20 He did not think Ramsey 's scholarship a weighty part of his quality as a bishop ; occasionally he hinted that he thought the books were a distraction from pastoral care .
21 erm I suppose that would mean if they felt they were taking up so much of their time that they could n't do what they considered to be their job properly , and if they felt that I think the parents were persisting and insisting that their own children got more attention than the school could really afford to give them if they were going to be fair to everyone .
22 The completion of the canon of Scripture by the early Church does not signify that they thought the Lord had stopped speaking or that he had nothing fresh to say .
23 " If we believe Fiver , " said Hazel , " it means that we think no rabbits at all ought to stay here .
24 I categorically deny the two other statements attributed to me in quotation marks : particularly that which implies that I think the doses must have been higher than those reported by the MoD .
25 But I think that I think the plan is to move them and to put some other ones down as well .
26 It would be nice to think that they thought the sun and moon were distant flowers — a yellow one by day , a white one by night .
27 She did not appear to be unduly depressed and now said that she thought the act had been rather drastic , but did not regret it .
28 I got in touch with Bloom and said that I thought the guy had talent and Bloom told me that he was having a wedding anniversary party in Soho , which is in the centre of London , and to give the group £20 and see what he was like .
29 I thought about the possibility but when my friends kept saying that I would be chosen I said that I thought the selectors would go for more experience .
30 He said that he thought the attack arose out of a personal dispute .
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