Example sentences of "[verb] that [noun prp] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A report in Le Monde of Sept. 20 disclosed that India faced the loss of workers ' remittances from Iraq and Kuwait totalling $400 million , and would lose exports to Iraq and Kuwait worth around $185 million , while an oil price increase of $3.00 per barrel would add $1,700 million to its oil import bill .
2 After that , Jimmy , I suggest that Theodore has a drink , snack and snooze in that order . ’
3 The most recent estimates suggest that Britain has a population of about 250,000 adult badgers and 105,000 cubs .
4 And suggest that Anthony gets a modem for his next birthday so 's he can join too ?
5 This proposed that Comex become a subsidiary of the Merc in a $10m deal .
6 Before he left , he proposed that Frederica join a beach party at Les Saintes-Maries de la Mer , next week .
7 As a faithful reader you should know that NME has a somewhat irreverent attitude towards Pink Floyd and Mike Oldfield .
8 Did you know that Kathy had a brother here ?
9 We may doubt that Beerbohm had the acumen or the catholicity to respond to this provocation as conclusively as he should .
10 It was difficult to accept that Jane had no ulterior motives .
11 Namibia lies between South Africa and the Penguins but it was essential for recognition to know that Namibia had no claim on the islands .
12 ‘ Dana sent you this enclosed in a letter to me , but before you open it I want you to know that Dana means no more to me than a rather troublesome sister-in-law-to-be .
13 Gildas had , from the first sighting , maintained that Marcus had no sense of humour .
14 Howells maintained that Kylie represented the UP side of life and would be a continuing pop power because she would never lose the sense of fun she injected into every new project .
15 Academician Scriabin has even claimed that Sakharov has a private secretary !
16 It was claimed that Alar posed a cancer threat to 50 people in a million over a lifetime — well over the legal limit .
17 Does this mean that God is ‘ not in time ’ — an example of the way of negation — or does it , as some have said , mean that all times are somehow ‘ present ’ to God , in which case it might be claimed that God possesses a kind of temporal omnipresence ?
18 It has been claimed that Margaret saw the tunnel as some sort of monument to her and her period of government .
19 It is claimed that Altrincham has the second highest capital income in the country .
20 ’ The man gave an address in Manhattan , then the name of his gallery , checking that Kemp had the details right .
21 The unexpected course of events aroused considerable alarm , and the terms of the peace treaty provoked open opposition with Germany , Russia and France joining together in the so-called Triple Intervention to demand that Japan return the Liaodong Peninsula to China .
22 Her first surprise on reaching the street was to discover that Rune had a sleek dark blue Mercedes parked outside .
23 Others say that Tethlis grasped the Sword of Khaine and that it writhed in his grip and started to come free , and that the king was cut down by his own bodyguard who feared the consequences of Aenarion 's fatal weapon being unleashed once more upon the world .
24 In technical terms we say that Socinus rejected the ‘ forensic ’ idea of salvation .
25 However , other friends of the Yorks say that Andrew became a willing player in the charade .
26 In a careful analysis of NAEP 's attitudes and possibilities for action , Greenbaum et al say that NAEP has a muddled policy and they conclude : ‘ its only really feasible potential — conceptually , economically , and politically — is that of description ’ .
27 British audio experts are suspicious of the design theory but acknowledge that NAD has a good track record for making inexpensive products that sound good .
28 The European Economic research Consortium has reported that Edinburgh had the best prospects of Britain 's large cities in the 1990's .
29 Gibson and Jewell have reported that SASP produces an inhibitory effect on natural killer activity .
30 BBC Ceefax last night also reported that Leeds had an £ 500,000 ( or some other good figure ) positive bottom line for the last financial year ( ending in june i suppose ) — which make the sale of Batty look somehow strange again …
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