Example sentences of "[verb] i would [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you were n't already so bruised and battered I 'd turn you over my knee and make sure you had nothing to laugh about . ’
2 I just made the whole bed and then realized I 'd put it on the wrong way .
3 I am really glad of it ; I do n't think I would want them to be there , just in case I lost .
4 Now I 've used it elsewhere in the garden and I 've never really had any problem with it except it is inclined to make the water very alkaline because the chippings that are quite often used on a flat roof and they 've got a very high P H and therefore you 've got to be aware that the water that comes off is not likely to be soft it 's more likely to be fair fairly hard but for reasonably tough plants I do n't think I would waste it , especially in times of water shortage .
5 ‘ Well , no dear , I do n't think I would mistake you for a stook of corn .
6 ‘ Do you think I would hurt you , my lovely girl ?
7 ‘ Did you really think I would leave you to face her alone ? ’
8 Do you think I would use you like any common slut ? ’
9 ‘ It 's not my game and I do n't think I would like it much .
10 I do n't think I would have it in me to start again with another group .
11 Like now , I do n't think I would order it again .
12 Oh I was n't a very convincing Prince Charming though , do n't think I 'd do it again .
13 I do n't think I 'd want it in the house , it might be confusing if I walked into a gloomy room with it
14 I was going to go back but I did n't think I 'd make it so I landed here to be safe .
15 ‘ I do n't think I 'd fancy it , ’ said Giles .
16 ‘ Do you really think I 'd let you in for anything like that ? ’
17 ‘ Do you seriously think I 'd let you touch me , when all I feel for you is loathing ?
18 ‘ Do you think I 'd let you go now ? ’
19 " Funny , I did n't think I 'd hit him , but I suppose I must have — must 've been the second shot .
20 but I said to her oh I do n't think I 'd have it done
21 It is hard to find one year and , if I found it , I do n't think I 'd spend it learning English . ’
22 ‘ If I knew another way of effecting this exorcism , as you 've aptly called it , do you think I 'd touch you ? ’
23 I would n't think I 'd discuss it under functions really
24 ‘ I forgot to renew my prescription before we left home — I did n't think I 'd need it . ’
25 Mm , I thought I 'd get it , I really did think I 'd get it and I went down with a bump when I did n't
26 I do n't think I 'd like it .
27 ‘ Do n't think I 'd say it outright , do you ?
28 Do you think I 'd take you to pain ?
29 You do n't think I 'd charge you ? ’
30 I mean I would do you er have ?
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