Example sentences of "[verb] for [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This first-hand testimony , delivered with appropriate scholarly documentation , helped restore to the so called ‘ primitive ’ his full humanity and dignity ; it became intellectually inadmissible for tribesmen to be regarded as museum specimens who would remain for ever wayward children of nature and wards of paternalistic colonialism .
2 Milan can be circumspect about visiting conductors , but on this occasion even the orchestra was stamping its approval for Lorin Maazel , a phenomenon I was told the Scala had not witnessed for over two decades ( you would have thought they might have managed it in the recent past for Muti , watching with no evident rancour from the box : but apparently not ) .
3 and she 's travelled for about six months of every year since .
4 Well I had to , I had to wait for about eight months or was it s six months to get one of my lights fixed but for er other things they were quite quick actually .
5 I had to wait for about ten minutes .
6 In the 1930's , at a time when many potteries closed down to wait for more favourable conditions to return , the fifth Josiah Wedgwood decided to build a new factory .
7 No , I think that we had a fairly clear idea , certainly on the pension fund , we 've not obviously got accurate numbers , a clear idea of the broad er , shape of , of the problems and erm , that allowed us , without having to wait for very accurate figures , to draw the conclusions about the scale of the problem , the amount of investment we 'd like to , we need to make and thus erm , whether or not it was of interest to pursue .
8 New auction records for Malcolm Morley and Julian Schnabel compensate for generally low prices
9 In any branch of government , civil or military , promotion always came easier to a man who could add political interest to ability , and on occasion the active support of a great man could more than compensate for very limited abilities .
10 Thus in 1786 , on the death of Sir Horace Mann , the British envoy to the grand duke of Tuscany , the post was filled for over six months by his nephew , who had no recognised diplomatic status at all .
11 Total duration of oral contraceptive use was unimportant , but a very low rate of endometriosis was found among women currently or recently taking the pill compared with women who had never taken it or had stopped for over 12 months .
12 The train stopped for about two minutes .
13 He lives , still , in the same Chelsea fiat with its pink and white striped wallpaper , geranium-filled window-boxes , elegant chintzy furniture , and the myriad of expressive original paintings which Joyce and he shared for so many years .
14 Her sharply hit volleys punctuated a lot of points , while her court coverage forced Seles to go for even sharper angles .
15 They have been indoctrinated for nearly forty years with the belief that their right to this pension does not arise simply out of a public decision to pay it but is a right vested in the individual by virtue of certain payments made by him , and analogous to what would be his entitlement under a contract with an insurance company .
16 In the ‘ bit plane ’ method , Fig. 4 is , in effect , duplicated for as many bits as are needed for each pixel .
17 I remembered the dated way he had of addressing people — though he had been sacked for more serious matters .
18 In all then , Telecom would probably have outlaid £14m — allowing for very modest fees on the purchase — before it actually laid one brick , and that is if it got planning permission .
19 The Ostrogothic era ; Ravenna was taken by Theodoric in 493 and he ruled for over 30 years .
20 It had been raining for over three hours , and the hide Duncan lay in was filled with water .
21 The latter pointed out that , while there was a general process of restructuring , the way it worked out in practice was different from case to case and that therefore it was pointless to search for highly regular patterns .
22 This is therefore likely to encourage clinicians to search for more cost-effective procedures .
23 Some of these workers may have just entered the labour market from school , some may have been made redundant from their previous jobs , some may have been sacked for one reason or another and many will have quit their previous jobs in order to create time to search for more satisfactory ones .
24 In a crossover study of evening primrose oil and placebo in 32 adults and children with atopic eczema , each treatment was given for just 3 weeks .
25 And given the political sensitivity of so much of our work , it is under the secretary general 's guidance that difficult discussions on strengthening the movement 's development and human rights awareness programmes must take place and where the final green light must be given for increasingly complex initiatives to intensify public pressure on governments .
26 Between 1909 and 1914 , partly as a result of the Act , partly in continuation of a preceding trend , loan sanction was given for significantly more houses to more local authorities than before .
27 The Company 's Pest Control service covering Norfolk and Suffolk has moved from Norwich where it operated for over 30 years .
28 Lead was mined at several sites in Scotland 's Lowther Hills , and there are interesting remains of the industry here , which operated for about six centuries .
29 Details were traced for over 30000 workers involved in the construction of the large oil terminals in the Shetland and Orkney islands in northern Scotland or employed offshore .
30 It was decided to plan for only eight accidents .
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