Example sentences of "[verb] is [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It took a lot of the fuel from his flames ( the fruit no longer forbidden is no longer desired ) .
2 With no regulation of the industry , there is no way to police the cowboy end of the market , which the experts say is now well represented .
3 What Breuer writes is usually clearly argued and factually correct , but he does not refrain from making his own contribution to the field .
4 I have found great relief from back pain , my tension and worry is very much reduced , and my doctor has given up even taking my blood pressure .
5 Today ACT is once again linked to Victor hardware , having won the on-site maintenance contract to service Tandy/Victor equipment across the UK .
6 Mcallister does seem to be overshadowed by him when he is on the pitch , looking for him to take the lead , provide the inspiration etc which strach is no longer doing as well as he once did .
7 The effect of this when it is accepted is very far reaching because the more an idea is tested the more it is validated and criticism becomes not a threat but an opportunity to strengthen the idea ; and what is more important scientists cease to have the same proprietorial attitude towards in idea .
8 Whether or not motion occurs is most precisely determined experimentally by its effect on the heat transfer .
9 The son on whom all depends is still not conceived .
10 Online searching is therefore usually used by most of the planners when ‘ homing in ’ on specific pieces of information or projects .
11 Complainants often end up disillusioned with the system of redress and angry with the whole medical profession ; and the doctor against whom the complaint was made is often also traumatised by the experience .
12 In it she declared how glad she was to think : ‘ … that the letter written by me to the King of Prussia at a critical moment had been of some use ’ , though quite what effect the letter may have had is unfortunately not spelt out .
13 What she can provide is no longer experienced as goodness and , therefore , evokes no gratitude .
14 As we have already discussed , bright light acts as a time-cue in humans and so might be helping patients not only because it fell in a critical period ( though how this might work is still not known ) , but in addition , or instead , because it adjusted the body clock and so removed a conflict of timing between the patient 's body clock and his sleep/wake rhythm .
15 But Acts is clearly not intended to give a complete account of Paul 's activities , and he may well have visited Jerusalem on other occasions which are not recorded .
16 One aspect of scientific style , however , is that in a passive sentence the person who acts is often not mentioned at all , to symbolise the scientific ideal that the procedures should be objective and repeatable , independent of the agent who carries them out .
17 The question of quantity used is obviously intimately related to the way a given individual finances his or her habit , a perspective which will be taken up in Chapter 7 .
18 Museums all over Scotland have vast collections of domestic objects , which give an indication of what was available in particular areas , but how and in which rooms they were used is often not known .
19 The passive of hear is also often used to present an occurrence as an attested fact : ( 70 ) This term was also used by the cowboy in the sense of a human showin " fight , as one cowboy was heard to say , he arches his back like a mule in a hailstorm .
20 Another point worth stating is that early attempts at curve fitting tended to assume that plant growth was determined by a single autocatalytic chemical reaction , an over-simplification .
21 The school I attend is quite small compared with other schools in the area .
22 Moreover , a common feature of scanning is that early signals often show up in unexpected places .
23 The basic premise upon which much of this work is based is most succinctly expressed by William Downes : While Downes 's statement alludes to an unfashionable humanist notion of dramatic character , it does provide us with a valuable starting point for the present discussion .
24 The whole structure which the Ministry controls and administers is as closely integrated as that of modern warships and high-performance aircraft .
25 The mood of enthusiasm and pride which the railways inspired is nowhere better summed up than in Ned Farmer 's poem ‘ King Steam ’ :
26 As a consequence , the chick when it hatches is very fully developed and able to dig its own way up through the sand .
27 Though Christie 's says that the Vung Tau sale is lotted to encourage private buyers , with sets of between five and nine matching vases offered per lot ( and designed to be shown , as they were in the 17th century , massed together on a chimneypiece or high shelf ) , Cohen believes buying is more easily done through a dealer .
28 Now I suggest that er do n't you , it 's vast numbers of Russian people milling about with nothing to do is certainly not going to promote stability .
29 However a DSS Press Release states that the Government has accepted the recommendation of the Social Security Advisory Committee to adopt an alternative approach whereby the circumstances under which unlimited arrears can apply is more explicitly defined .
30 okay I think what we might think about doing is maybe just having a meeting for an hour one evening on that one subject
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