Example sentences of "[verb] is [conj] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The reason that a widening direction is included is because it is very easy for a narrowing to occur while the lengthening process is taking place .
2 What is often forgotten is that it is us who have to pay to have it cleared up .
3 ‘ My dear Wilson , ’ he said , ‘ all you need to know is that it is not yet come .
4 What I do know is that it is disgraceful and defamatory to label as stooges the people from the Borough Community Relations Council who gave up a day 's work to act as observers , and who have made it clear that they would have reported whatever they had seen , good or bad for police .
5 What we do know is that it is impossible to write any human being off as permanently damaged .
6 The second question about the WGMS that must be addressed is whether it is technically sound .
7 Another point worth remembering is that it is important to make sure that your parent 's larder is well stocked with the right kind of non-perishable foods to deal with any emergency such as extreme weather conditions , or times when you may be unable to visit her because of illness or holidays , unless a neighbour is doing her shopping for her .
8 The reason for keeping women and men separated is that it is felt that a man can not concentrate on prayer when women are in close proximity .
9 One final point to remember is that it is very easy to overtrain the arms .
10 The most important fact to remember is that it is highly contagious and one case can very easily develop into a large outbreak unless prompt and very strict isolation of any case is done .
11 An important thing to remember is that it is very hard to get HIV .
12 Alice is told that the reason it is grinning is because it is a Cheshire Cat .
13 ‘ One of the things that has been said is that it 's actually very difficult to get a purchaser for your shares on the USM even though in theory it 's an open market .
14 What is being said is that it 's intended to keep what 's regarded as a highly successful regime going on existing lines .
15 THOMPSON : ‘ All I 've just said is that it was not a good enough explanation of what I got and I do n't think anybody has been told , not only to the media out there , myself who is the most important one .
16 A particular characteristic of a state in which extensive social policies have been adopted is that it is a bureaucratic state .
17 ‘ All I hope is that it is an excellent game which my Rovers lads win 8-0 . ’
18 My attitude to ageing is that it 's inevitable so there 's very little you can do about it .
19 Yeah , because the point that 's being made is that it 's only the flower of the rose which has all these properties , it 's not the whole bush itself , presumably .
20 The first thing to say about what happened is that it was Dennis 's idea from the start .
21 But the former Neath and Wales rugby union star , later dismissed for throwing a punch at Gary Tees , insisted last night : ‘ All I can remember is that it was in a tackle .
22 ‘ What Governor Clinton does n't understand is that it 's the people in the voting booths that matter . ’
23 ‘ But what you do n't understand is that it 's Leo I 'm doing it for . ’
24 But the critical thing with I twelve as the policy 's currently drafted is that it is location specific .
25 The answer we readily give is that it is significant because it sums up the gospel .
26 There are many arguments as to which strategy is best ( de Nevers et al. , 1977 ; Wall , 1976b ) but increasingly the conclusion being reached is that it is possible to make use of the advantages of two or more strategies .
27 I 've never used a yardage in my life ; all I know is that it 's a 7-iron to the middle of the green . ’
28 ‘ I may not like London over much but I do know a bit about the place and one thing I know is that it 's big , bloody big .
29 The Everton v Leeds United game at Goodison park is nearly here , I ca n't remember the exact date , all I know is that it is on a Tuesday night .
30 All I know is that it was our biggest stroke of luck this season . ’
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