Example sentences of "[verb] is not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The control is n't some detail , Cameron … knowing it 's somebody you can trust is n't just by-the-way ; it 's everything . ’
2 The regular association of passive structures with adversity in certain languages means that the passive can often carry connotations of unpleasantness even when the event depicted is not normally seen as unpleasant .
3 Why this happens is n't fully understood .
4 If you commit an act which is specifically prohibited , you may lose your job even if what you have done is not usually regarded as quite so reprehensible in other organisations .
5 The use of symbolic addressing is not fully exploited to cope with pre-existing forms of citation and for automated authoring of large quantities of text .
6 We might also usefully recall that to cross is not only to traverse , but to mix ( as in to crossbreed ) and to contradict ( as in to cross someone ) ; also that cross-dressing potentially involves both inversion and displacement of gender binaries .
7 How they were used is not generally agreed upon , for , whilst the obverse of some of these cards — ‘ shopkeepers ' bills ’ as they were known by the eighteenth-century tradesmen — were sometimes utilized as an invoice to the purchaser , the majority surviving in public and private collections were not .
8 A second and commodious objection to the view of nomic connection which has been set out was anticipated earlier ( 1.3 ) , and may be shored up a bit by the fact lately mentioned , that science broadly speaking is not much engaged in arriving at complete descriptions of causal circumstances-causal circumstances as we have conceived them .
9 Even in the mornings , heaven help me , when burbling is n't exactly welcome .
10 There may be uncertainties in interpreting an ultrasound picture ; the prognosis of the abnormality detected is not always known ; and in some groups of defects , such as oesophageal atresia or obstructive defects of urinary system , it is not always clear whether the defect is so severe as to justify abortion or whether surgery might be successful .
11 It is open to public inspection ; as described above an official certificate may be obtained by application on Form 96 to confirm the land you are buying is not already registered ; and to confirm there 's no caution or priority notice against first registration registered against it .
12 What the historian is trying to do is not merely to record the events and happenings of war , but to study them against the background of the world in which the long Anglo-French conflict was fought .
13 Many asylum seekers live in overcrowded , temporary accommodation , including hostels , where access to mail is not necessarily foolproof .
14 But the pattern of response that is observed is not easily explained in this way : with most patients there is a strong impression that the food itself is directly responsible for the symptoms .
15 The magnetic hypothesis of homing is not yet confirmed .
16 The argument would now tend to be that a child refusing to be toilet trained is not simply enjoying the experience for its own sake .
17 Elite theories argue that there is one class that dominates in a political system , although which class actually dominates is not necessarily determined by the economic system .
18 Early indications are that Britain 's system X , which Telecom is gradually introducing is not particularly favoured .
19 Resistance to change is not normally articulated in frank terms of party advantage .
20 Binding is not solely observed in neuronal tissue as we were also able to demonstrate binding in rat spleen extract , however it is not ubiquitous as we could not demonstrate binding in rat testis extract .
21 The long opening sequence , detailing a mismanaged operation of a baby 's delivery , is an extraordinary feat of simulation , yet it also tends to defeat realism because we know what we are seeing is not really happening .
22 Again , it seems to follow that the perceptual experiences that observers have in the act of seeing is not uniquely determined by the images on their retinas .
23 If the food you have given is not completely eaten , or if the water becomes cloudy , stop feeding the shrimps for a few days .
24 President Roe Tae Woo is not only facing such demonstrations , but an economy that is under severe pressure .
25 North Yorkshire 's interpretation I repeat is not strictly controlled means not normally be permitted .
26 Each outside order is considered by the local NACAB area and permission for the sale to proceed is not always given .
27 However , copying is not necessarily limited to duplication of substantial parts and it is possible to copy a computer program in a wider sense .
28 So , for example , a Brand Manager 's freedom to act is not only prescribed by his immediate Product Group Manager , but also by any one of the functional managers , in respect of his own speciality .
29 NOTINS The module you have tried to deinstall is not currently installed .
30 While there is little ambiguity as to what ‘ happens ’ in the novel , the temporal perspective from which events are recounted is not well defined .
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