Example sentences of "[verb] it has [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 R — Replied to : An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
2 R — Replied to An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
3 R — Replied to — An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
4 Above all we must disregard any traditional idea and never , never , be put off by statements of ‘ practical men ’ who say it has been tried before or it will never work ; these two feeble and slavish statements have destroyed countless ideas and they have been the rocks against which many brilliant minds have foundered .
5 Because employers can increase their profits when they have greater control over the labour process it has been suggested that in the USA internal ‘ job ladders ’ of promotion and wage benefits were developed by managements within some large firms as a deliberate control strategy to counter unionism and increase the dependence of workers on their companies .
6 Despite the criticism levelled at the public conscience test it has been used in a number of cases .
7 Carers ' own needs It has been identified that people have different capacities to undertake being a carer .
8 Frame Technology Corp , San Jose says it has been named as a defendant in a suit alleging breach of oral and written contract with respect to sums allegedly owed to Meridian Systems Inc , which provides sales representative and value-added reseller services ; Frame said the suit is without merit and it will be defended vigorously .
9 The evil wind that bombed Manhattan 's World Trade Center nevertheless blew some good to the disaster recovery specialists : SunGard Data Systems Inc says it has been contacted by four subscriber companies seeking disaster recovery services following the blast — two in Four World Trade Center , one in Two World Trade Center and one in One World Trade Center ; and Comdisco Inc said it is providing disaster recovery services to three financial services companies hit by the blast , while IBM Corp 's disaster recovery unit said it had been in touch with ‘ a lot ’ of its customers , but that so far none of its customers had had to declare their workplaces to be disaster areas .
10 AH says it has been forced into a big cost-cutting exercise because of the effect of Petroleum Revenue Tax changes , announced in the last Budget .
11 Since January , when the package went on limited release in the US , the company says it has been installed in over a dozen sites including MCI Communications Corp , Xerox Corp and American Express Co .
12 The firm says it has been adapted and tested for the MTOS , VRTX , VMEexec and other real-time operating systems .
13 Kyte , who was a founding signatory of the appeal , says it has been set up ‘ to help finance long-term grass-roots reconstruction , and supports small groups of people in ‘ Yugoslavia' who are committed to feeding people , housing refugees , establishing playgroups for children , and to helping all those who refuse to fight .
14 When waves break it has been observed that a jet of water at the crest of the wave may move forward with twice the velocity of the wave as a whole , so that high pressures may be exerted for a period of a second or two on the cliff face .
15 However he stressed that the Irish Army does not believe it has been infiltrated by the IRA .
16 BRITISH Telecom complains it has been plagued in recent weeks with claims that chairman Iain Vallance is resigning .
17 The pine bedroom furniture display was such a success at trial stores it has been introduced as a permanent fixture at Wandsworth .
18 I know it has been done , but when , For Ormskirk we wanted , we were looking to interview at the end of the M fifty eight
19 In practice that will only occur if there are difficulties in serving the defendant ( see , for example , Gurtner v Circuit [ 1968 ] 2 QB 587 , Howells v Jones ( 1975 ) 119 SJ 577 , Sisknys v Hanley ( 1982 ) The Times , 26 May ) or if there has been an express or implied agreement to defer service of the writ or the plaintiff 's delay in serving it or renewing it has been induced or contributed to by the defendant 's words or conduct ( Heaven v Road and Rail Wagons Ltd [ 1965 ] 2 QB 655 ) .
20 Enterprise Computer Holdings Plc fears it has been misunderstood : the company is keen to stress that Finance Director Les Kemp has the unhappy confusion over last year 's accounting figures under control ( CI No 2,162 ) but wants to know how accountants KPMG Peat Marwick managed not to sign the audit report for subsidiary Enterprise Computer Services ; apparently there was confusion at the time over the verification of certain bank loans ; all should be clear in the next report and the company says it expects to show a return to profit .
21 Even with the latter part of this clause ( as drafted ) included it has been held that a landlord must still make full disclosure and not mislead the tenant nor will these words protect the landlord from an action for misrepresentation or misdescription .
22 I believe it has been identified as the ‘ puffout ’ , a distance cousin of our old favourite , the ‘ puffin ’ .
23 Erm ironically after I wrote erm the letter was typed on Monday erm to Mr Mr the only lights that have been fixed since are the ones at the end of my street and the next street not as I complained about ones on the main road erm there 's an example that 's been going on for many months where a problem , an acknowledged problem of access existed which was the reason for delay but that as I understand it has been overcome some time ago now and it 's still there , this is a group of seven lights together , the lot , erm these lights are still out , they 're not in my ward in fact , they 're just .
24 After five years when it seems it has been written , rewritten , proof read etc , I have now run out of answers .
25 They claim it has been put in the story by the early Church , during the period of the oral tradition , to show that Jesus thought his mission was primarily for the Jews and not the Gentiles .
26 I do not think it is complacent or smug ; one feels it has been worked for .
27 I would add that since our decision was announced it has been rendered in headlines such as ‘ Court gives doctors right to refuse life support . ’
28 That matter is not really as we perceive it has been known to chemists and physicists for over 150 years , but despite Einstein 's demonstration , and that of other atomic scientists since , that matter and energy are interchangeable , we persist in our view that physical matter is solid and stable .
29 Although Re Sigsworth was only the decision of a puisne judge it has been approved by the Court of Appeal and extended to other statutes raising a similar question .
30 I declare it has been carried against .
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